I've made a timelapse! :D
Hope you'll like my editing. Tried to match it with a music 🤭
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #NaruMitsu #WrightWorth #AceAttorney #PhoenixWright #MilesEdgeworth #Phoenix #Edgeworth #illustration #fanart #game #noai #Timelapse
#mastoart #art #digitalart #NaruMitsu #wrightworth #aceattorney #phoenixwright #milesedgeworth #phoenix #edgeworth #illustration #fanart #game #noAI #timelapse
Did our discussion of #Edgeworth’s Belinda lead to a discussion of the way medicine is used to police normalcy in the assault on trans folks and pregnant people today? You bet it did.
I've been going through the whole Ace Attorney trilogy again, as I wanted to recall all the events. And not too originally, I ofc like those two the most :P
They're just both so cute ♥ Phoenix is such a good and loyal friend and I love Miles' change of heart to become a better person, that he wanted to be and not that someone else forced him to be
#MastoArt #Art #DigitalArt #NaruMitsu #WrightWorth #AceAttorney #PhoenixWright #MilesEdgeworth #Phoenix #Edgeworth #illustration #fanart #game #noai
#mastoart #art #digitalart #NaruMitsu #wrightworth #aceattorney #phoenixwright #milesedgeworth #phoenix #edgeworth #illustration #fanart #game #noAI
Today I have to grade 14 more essays; we begin my last M1 course on Death and Health in #Dickens; and I need to prep for my undergrad classes tomorrow where we’re reading #Gaskell and #Edgeworth
This week I’ll mainly be grading but I’m giving a seminar on disability and madness in #Edgeworth and then turning my attention to Clare Walker Gore’s amazing Plotting Disability in the Nineteenth-Century Novel for my chapter on #Austen
Really fascinating references to James #Watt and Maria #Edgeworth in #Scott’s preface to The Monastery #ScottishLiterature #Romanticism #c19Studies
#watt #edgeworth #scott #scottishliterature #romanticism #C19Studies
Re-read the feedback from my writing coach/developmental editor on my #Edgeworth chapter and it's so helpful--especially the point that I need to pull the #biopolitics argument more to the fore. But right now, it's good enough to set aside and move to the next chapter.
Just sent off the first full draft of my #Edgeworth and the politics of health chapter. Now if only the other four chapters come as quickly as this one did. #acwri
Sitting down to write this #Edgeworth chapter and it feels like one of those runs where your stride, your pace, your distance all just fit #acwri
Sit down to write and realise all my copies of #Edgeworth’s Ennui, my primary source, are on campus
Carving time out in the morning to start rewriting my chapter on illness, disorder, and social management in #Edgeworth
It sure seems like the opening of #Dickens’s #Copperfield is indebted to #Edgeworth’s concept of the #IrishBull
#Dickens #copperfield #edgeworth #irishbull
Представляю оригинал, мой годовалый мем с Эджвортом, где он в очередной раз обновляет отчёт о вскрытии: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/s9bmzf/engage_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
#AceAttorney #UpdatedAutopsyReport #AutopsyReport #MilesEdgeworth #Edgeworth #Эджворт
#эджворт #edgeworth #milesedgeworth #autopsyreport #updatedautopsyreport #aceattorney
Really looking forward to my #MLA23 presentation on urban infrastructure and contagious classes. But how do I decide whether to cut #Edgeworth, #Austen, or #Scott
#MLA23 #edgeworth #austen #scott
Today I'm trying to finish enough of the section on maternal mortality in #Edgeworth's Ennui and Claudia #Johnstone's Clan Albin to make a passable draft for the upcoming workshop #NationalTale #Romanticism #ScottishLiterature #IrishLiterature #MedicalHumanities
#edgeworth #johnstone #nationaltale #romanticism #scottishliterature #irishliterature #MedicalHumanities
After a typically helpful #WIP works-in-progress group, I’m feeling energised about my #Edgeworth and infection chapter. But I’m wondering if any of you #MedicalHumanities folks have a recommendation on the politics of infection in the late #eighteenthcentury #romanticism #IrishStudies
#wip #edgeworth #MedicalHumanities #EighteenthCentury #romanticism #irishstudies
Just hit submit on the final rounds of edits for an article on #Disability, #Contagion, and the #Gothic in #Edgeworth and #Scott #IrishStudies #ScottishStudies #DisabilityStudies #MedicalHumanities
#disability #Contagion #gothic #edgeworth #scott #irishstudies #scottishstudies #disabilitystudies #MedicalHumanities
Thinking of putting together a panel for #ACIrishStudies 2023 conference in San Jose on #medicine and #Edgeworth. If you're interested, let me know! #IrishStudies #MedHums
#acirishstudies #medicine #edgeworth #irishstudies #medhums
Come hear me waffle for a very tight 3 minutes about the politics of #death and #citizenship in the #NationalTales of #Edgeworth, #Owenson, and #DeStael #necropolitics #necrocitizenship https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/x/book-launch-life-death-and-consciousness-in-the-long-nineteenth-century-tickets-481661782357?utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=reminder_attendees_event_starting_email&utm_term=eventname&ref=eemaileventremind
#death #citizenship #nationaltales #edgeworth #owenson #destael #necropolitics #necrocitizenship
Really exciting paper that looked at connections between #Edgeworth's Belinda and #Shelley's #Frankenstein. Surprisingly it wasn't through the phrase "unnatural mother," but through aesthetics of deformity. Great, great work.
#edgeworth #shelley #frankenstein