Out shopping for some sleeves for my 4 new #commander decks :3
I built zirda, the new brimaz, khod and raff capashen
Let's see what kinda cute motives they have
#edh #mtg
Rest in peace Sheldon Menery. His creation of #EDH had a huge impact on Magic as a whole and opened the game up to a lot of people that wouldn't otherwise be playing it. We are all thankful for your work.
#edh #magicthegathering #mtgcommander
Oh no, Sheldon Menery passed away.
I always felt as if the kind of player and playstyle he worked so hard to protect in Commander was what I wanted to get out of the format. I hope that his spirit continues to live on through the game.
#magicthegathering #edh #commander #sheldonmenery
Am I allowed to run two Taigas (RG dual land) in a commander deck? #MagicTheGathering #edh #commander
#magicthegathering #edh #commander
🌳💧Under the sea, under the sea~
I tap double blue, counter you too
Don't give me grieeef~
I got untapped a lot of land
And 30 cards in hand
You're outta luck, 'coz these Islandwalk
Under the seaaaa~☀️💀
Can't wait for to be on the Shattergang tonight - you're gonna see one of my favourite decks!
#magicthegathering #mtg #edh #twitch
I love #mtglimited but I also love my friends, so I'm getting ready for a night of #edh over Spelltable instead of jamming more Wilds of Eldraine.
GIS In The Rockies Conference Attendance & Presenting, 2023? - Check!
http://gisintherockies.org/ <-- conference web page
I - again - appreciate the opportunity...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #conference #attendance #conference2023 #conferencepresentation #conferencespeaker #GISInTheRockies #Denver #Colorado #GISITR #3dhp #hydrology #water #EDH #spatialdata #opendata #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #conference #attendance #conference2023 #conferencepresentation #conferencespeaker #gisintherockies #denver #colorado #gisitr #3dhp #hydrology #water #edh #spatialdata #opendata #usgs
On one hand, I hate giving any money to WotC.
On other hand, one of the new secret lair drops has both The First Sliver and Food Chain.
I might have to build the budget first sliver foodchain combo bs deck.
Even got Squee and Eternal Scourge already, with an extra Kiki-Jiki arriving in the mail soon.
I'm building a new EDH deck and glad to see my Cardsphere funds just got cleaned out. Keep 'em coming!
#magicthegathering #cardsphere #edh
I want to finish building my snow and spider themed #EDH #Commander decks, but alas, I keep running out of energy to do so, especially with government related work things ramping up.
Puede que haya empezado una decklist de #commander para Myrkul y puede que la haya titulado Hatsune Myrkul. #magicthegatering #dungeonsanddragon #mtg #dnd #edh
#commander #magicthegatering #dungeonsanddragon #mtg #DnD #edh
Played a game of Magic: The Gathering Commander draft cube with friends today. Haven't seen some of those guys in years. Haven't picked up cards or invested in an #EDH since we played together regularly, but I won the game handily.
My son also taught me how to play the #Pokémon:TCG today. He shared cards so we could build two decks to face off. I'm going to take him to the card shop tomorrow for some more sleeves.
He also had some curiosity in learning #MTG. Parenting success.
Reddit: I routinely pubstomp at my LGS to win 1-2 prize boosters, am I the arsehole?
Me: Well, yes. You're allowed to win but in EDH your opponents fun is also part of your responsibility + is that worth it for a booster?
Mm hm. Mm hm.
#mtg #magicthegathering #edh #commander
Teeny mail day today, basics in for Rukarumel Slivers. Wanted Tempest lands originally for the og Slivers set, but Terese Neilsen is a no go. Opted for Time Spiral instead, which has stunningly weird landscapes and is also a block home to some brilliant Slivers as well
#mtg #magicthegathering #edh #commander
Blow-Me-Down Brook, NH – An NHD Flowline Picked ‘Randomly’
http://npshistory.com/brochures/saga/blow-me-down-na-1981.pdf <-- 1981 NPS guide
https://www.usgs.gov/3d-hydrography-program <-- USGS’s 3DHP home page
I am working on some hydroaddressing / network traversing technical approaches for 3DHP – and needed an example of a multisegment flowline in NHD-sourced dataset, and so ‘randomly’ got this one - Blow-Me-Down, NH, from WBD HUC4-0108.
Although we map so many flowlines (~20 million in the USA for NHD-sourced spatial data, estimated 10x that for the EDH data still to be determined across the USA), I like trying to understand what a flowline or waterbody ‘is’ to the people on the ground as much as I can...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3DHP #NHD #WBD #water #hydrology #USGS #mapping #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #EDH #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata
#gis #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3dhp #nhd #wbd #water #hydrology #usgs #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata #edh
Turn 1 Windswept Heath sac get a Trop #mtg #edh #commander #magicthegathering #alexisalters
#mtg #edh #commander #magicthegathering #alexisalters
The board on Turn 6; the hand
It's all I can do to stop myself from giggling, this deck is too fun