Gonna start cutting back the established Camellia (japonica? Sasanqua?) trees in our yard, to replace eventually with #quince, #avocado, and #CamelliaSinensis.
If anyone can recommend good places to order such trees from in #Aotearoa, please link them here. I'm Googling of course, but reviews from actual people instead of bots on websites are appreciated. #EdibleGardens #MāraKai
Camellia Sinensis Plants | Tea Plant | Grow Tea NZ – Urban Bounty
#quince #avocado #camelliasinensis #aotearoa #ediblegardens #marakai
Broad beans from the garden = The Sandman on Netflix and some shellin' to do.
#gardens #ediblegardens #BroadBeans
Back in one of my favourite places.
#castlemaine #castlemainecommunitykitchengarden #jaaracountry #djadjawurringcountry #ediblegardens #permaculture
Finishing off preparations for my intro to gardening course at the Castlemaine Community House tomorrow. I can sneak in an extra person if you want in. It's a bargain course! 12 hours for $50. Women and non-binary only for this course.
My focus is on practical, accessible, edible gardening for people on a budget. Each course works specifically to the needs of the participants and we have a heap of fun learning and growing together.
#gardening #vegetablegardening #ediblegardens #castlemaine #djadjawurringcountry #permaculture #growhard
By way of #Introduction these are the hashtags I'll be following. Some have no content yet, but I'll fix that!
#ClimateAction #ClimateChange #CollaborativeConsumption #CircularEconomy #Sustainability
#RaiseTheRate #88aDay #FoodInsecurity
#introduction #climateaction #climatechange #collaborativeconsumption #circulareconomy #sustainability #feminism #periodpoverty #raisetherate #88aday #foodinsecurity #lgbtiqrights #transrights #ally #rewilding #ediblegardens #righttorepair #defectivebydesign #plannedobsolescence