> Before this garden was created, the school lunch.. had been the ubiquitous can of pop and a dubious pre-packed snack. Now the young people sit at communal tables and discuss the merits and flavours of their prepared dishes. This experience is taken home and they pass on what they've learned to their parents... 200 of these children arrived at school hungry and were offered nothing of quality; now 600 arrive in time for breakfast...
#AliceWaters #EdibleSchoolyard
#edibleschoolyard #AliceWaters
I'm trying to make a bi-lingual page about the #EdibleSchoolyard and #FoodEducation. Seems like a good chance to test the #OCRbot I just saw yesterday, test it with ja Japanese. #食育 #アリス・ウォーターズ #エディブルスクールヤード
#エディブルスクールヤード #アリス #食育 #ocrbot #FoodEducation #edibleschoolyard
It was a good day for gardening. 菜園で働くことできてよかった。 My Inspiration: https://www.ecoliteracy.org/article/edible-schoolyard #食育菜園 #農業生態学 #菜園 #ガーデン #garden #EdibleMeadow #EdibleSchoolYard
#農業生態学 #菜園 #ガーデン #garden #ediblemeadow #edibleschoolyard #食育菜園