The scourge of the Japanese beetles is upon my Thicket! 😤😫😠I'm racing to pick the plums that are most ripe. I've set a beetle trap and I may set another. Every year it's a race to get any sand hill (chickasaw) plums because the beetles go straight for them! #fruit #BeetleBattles #edibletrees
#fruit #beetlebattles #edibletrees
The bad news: I don't think there will be any peaches this year. The good news: looks like there will be a few apricots! 😃 #EdibleTrees #GrowYourOwn #Food #Fruit
#edibletrees #growyourown #food #fruit
Plants That Can be Grown Around Walnuts and Hickories - Juglone Tolerant Plants
#edibletrees #plantsforforestgardens #walnuts #juglansregia #gardens #wildlifegarden #edibleshrubs #gardendesign #polycultureorchard #seeds #gardeners #landscape #trees #forestgarden #foodforest #foodforests #landscapedesign #permaculturedesign #agroforesty #organic #permaculture #polyculture #juglone
#juglone #polyculture #permaculture #organic #agroforesty #permaculturedesign #landscapedesign #foodforests #foodforest #forestgarden #Trees #Landscape #gardeners #seeds #polycultureorchard #gardendesign #edibleshrubs #wildlifegarden #gardens #juglansregia #walnuts #plantsforforestgardens #edibletrees