Into season 7 of Nurse Jackie and honestly, I'm looking forward to being over. It's still good but at some point the showrunner just decided that Jackie would flat out become an evil manipulator, so all the nuance the character had in the early seasons has been lost.
#nursejackie #ediefalco #streaming #ParamountPlus
#PeteDavidson's semi-autobiographical comedy series #Bupkis has been renewed for a second season on #Peacock. #EdieFalco and #JoePesci co-star. #television #streaming
#petedavidson #bupkis #peacock #ediefalco #joepesci #television #streaming
Playing Pete Davidson's mother on "Bupkis" is a lot of fun for Edie Falco, but she imagines that being his real mother would be a lot of hard work.
#EdieFalco #PeteDavidson #Bupkis #Peacock #PeacockTV #TV #TVnews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#ediefalco #petedavidson #bupkis #peacock #peacocktv #TV #tvnews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#30Rock s2e6 (2007) - 9/10
Very funny.
1️⃣ First of four appearances for #EdieFalco as CC, a new love interest for Jack. And she’s a Democrat!
2️⃣ There are several great scenes. My favourite is probably Lutz waking up to find Kenneth standing over him in an ape mask. “Ape Attack!!” The clips from the TV movie about CC, starring #KristenWiig, are hilarious too.
#30rock #ediefalco #kristenwiig
Video Movie Review: AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER (2022) – Artistic Flair & Visuals Needed a Stronger Story to Buttress Them
#FilmBook #VideoMovieReview #CCHPounder #CliffCurtis #EdieFalco #GiovanniRibisi #JamesCameron #JemaineClement #JoelDavidMoore #KateWinslet #MichelleYeoh #OonaChaplin #SamWorthington #ScienceFiction #SigourneyWeaver #StephenLang #VideoMovieReview #ZoeSaldana
#filmbook #videomoviereview #cchpounder #cliffcurtis #ediefalco #giovanniribisi #jamescameron #jemaineclement #joeldavidmoore #katewinslet #michelleyeoh #oonachaplin #samworthington #sciencefiction #sigourneyweaver #stephenlang #zoesaldana
#HBOMax is set to launch the third season of comedy series #TheOtherTwo on Thursday, May 4 with a two-episode premiere. The ten-episode season will feature guest stars #SimuLiu, #FinArgus, #AnnDowd, #EdieFalco, #BenPlatt, #DylanOBrien, #LukasGage, #KiernanShipka, #LawrenceODonnell, #SpikeEinbinder, #AndreaBoehlke, and #DanaDelaney.
#hbomax #theothertwo #simuliu #finargus #anndowd #ediefalco #benplatt #dylanobrien #lukasgage #kiernanshipka #lawrenceodonnell #spikeeinbinder #andreaboehlke #danadelaney
Imagining Carmela Soprano and Elliot from The Sopranos getting married is giving us life! #Sopranos #TheSopranos #CarmelaSoprano #EdieFalco #Elliot #DanielAhearn
#sopranos #thesopranos #carmelasoprano #ediefalco #elliot #danielahearn
Que buena actriz es #EdieFalco después de verla en #TheSopranos su personaje en #NurseJackie del 2009 es increíble 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #paramountplus #Showtime
#ediefalco #thesopranos #nursejackie #paramountplus #showtime