Taken this day, 2016, portrait of a dancer at the #Fringe https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/28975513031/
Royal Mile, #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #photography #StreetPhotography #StreetPortrait #BlackAndWhitePhotography #EdinburghFringe #EdinburghFestivalFringe
#edinburghfestivalfringe #EdinburghFringe #blackandwhitephotography #streetportrait #streetphotography #photography #edimbourg #edinburgh #fringe
Taken this day, 2012, #portrait of an actor at the #Fringe https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/7810470810/
Royal MIle, #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #StreetPhotography #photography #PeopleWatching #EdinburghFringe #EdinburghFestivalFringe #RoyalMile #StreetPortrait #actor #woman #femme
#femme #woman #actor #streetportrait #royalmile #edinburghfestivalfringe #EdinburghFringe #peoplewatching #photography #streetphotography #edimbourg #edinburgh #fringe #portrait
We're running the book table at David Baddiel's #Fringe show, Talking Books. Our own Marie recommends the show for it's fascinating debate.
David's Jews Don't Count & The God Desire from TLS, are available at the show (via our Fringe Elves) & our bookshop
#Edinburgh #Books #livres #EdinburghFringe #EdinburghFestivalFringe #bookshops #ChooseBookshops #DavidBaddiel #booksto
#fringe #edinburgh #books #livres #edinburghfringe #edinburghfestivalfringe #bookshops #choosebookshops #davidbaddiel #booksto
Lovely surprise bonus at work today, as @robinince dropped in for a cuppa and natter!
Robin's on throughout the #Fringe (brave man, will need a lot of tea and biscuits!) at the Gilded Balloon https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/robin-ince-weapons-of-empathy
#Edinburgh #Edimbourg #comedy #books #EdinburghFringe #EdinburghFestivalFringe #RobinInce
#robinince #edinburghfestivalfringe #EdinburghFringe #books #comedy #edimbourg #edinburgh #fringe
After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#jdr #WorldofDarkness #letogames #Whitewolf #rpg #ttrpg #wraiththeoblivion #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #magetheascension20thanniversary
After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#magetheascension20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion #ttrpg #rpg #whitewolf #letogames #worldofdarkness #jdr