2 WEEKS TIL OPENING NIGHT!!!! Gave you a sneaky peek of Act 1 yesterday. Here’s Act 2!
Remember again to use my discount code 92543 when you book at Citizen Ticket ##9to5 #EdinburghTheatre #Theatre #Musical #Musicals #DollyParton #ChurchHillTheatre #Morningside
#Morningside #churchhilltheatre #dollyparton #musicals #musical #theatre #edinburghtheatre #9to5
Oh look! It’s photos wot I took for the show wot I am deputy stage managing (and on the Board) for.
If you think it looks good you should totally get over to Citizen Tickets to find it and then reward yourself by typing 92543 into the discount box at the checkout to get some money off your tickets.
#Edinburgh #Theatre #EdinburghTheatre #Musicals #9to5
#9to5 #musicals #edinburghtheatre #theatre #edinburgh