Wrote up a summary of the past year on Hackaday IO (@hackaday) because it was rattling around in my brain.
OK, *now* I'm going to rest.
#psion #retrocomputing #EDisAsm #sibolib #mame #PsiDrive #epoc16 #pda #vintagecomputing #retrodev #retrospective
#retrospective #retrodev #vintagecomputing #pda #epoc16 #psidrive #mame #sibolib #edisasm #retrocomputing #psion
Started to build up a framework of files to supplement the #Psion SIBO C SDK for modern compilation.
First one... A half-decent gitignore file.
It would be half the length if DOSBox Staging generated lower-case files by default.
#git #edisasm #epoc16 #retrodev #retrocomputing #psion
IT LIVES! Didn't need the source code for that game at all, just one line telling EPOC16 that the resource file is compiled into the app.
However, I have realised a fatal flaw... You can't look at the help while using the CLI. Unless you've got an excellent working memory, you'll be writing these commands down. An issue you don't have with the old text-based help system...
One that'll make you chuckle, @M0CUV!
#EDisAsm #RetroComputing #Psion #RetroDev #16bit #pda #handheld #AlwaysLearning
#AlwaysLearning #handheld #pda #16bit #retrodev #psion #retrocomputing #edisasm
Well, that reference to Olib and the other references to HWIM, along with all the code I've seen so far, means only one thing.
Psion's proprietary object oriented C.
I've been avoiding looking at this so far, as it could require more rewriting of #EDisAsm than I really want to do right now.
Going to look for another, undocumented way.
Trying to give #EDisAsm a proper help menu, which requires compiling a resource (.RSC) file.
After much faffing, I've got compiled a basic .RSC file, and added its .RSG (header) file to the project. All compiled OK. Copied the app and .RSC to the DOS #EPOC16 emulator and...
I'm currently trawling through old code and the SDK docs.
#psion #retrodev #retrocomputing #epoc16 #edisasm
After a fair amount of pointer-wrangling, #EDisAsm can now dump SSDs to another SSD or the RAMDRIVE as a file.
Why is this useful?
1. People using #plptools can't use the `dumpssd` command because they push to C: over serial. This will let them pull the dump instead.
2. Peripheral ROMs (3Link/3Fax) can now be dumped! Just use `savessd c m` to save to RAM.
It's only in the Git version ATM. I'll make a proper release once I've done some cleaning up.
#series3 #psion #retrodev #retrocomputing #plptools #edisasm
Been a little quiet recently because I've been working on a non-retro project (rootless containers, anyone?). But I could really do with a break, so I'm going to get back to some #Psion goodness later this week.
There'll be a little #EDisAsm development to add the ability to dump 3Link ROMs to another SSD. After that, I'll either looking at the USB Drive (still need to design that PCB), or I might start work on a brand new software development project. We shall see!
#16bit #retrocomputing #edisasm #psion
I'll write some proper instructions soon about how to make a small FAT volume with mtools.
In the meantime, go download the latest version of MAME with the #Psion #SIBO #emulator and use #EDisAsm to dump #EPOC16 #ROMs!
#retrocomputing #roms #epoc16 #edisasm #emulator #sibo #psion
Found a way to get files on to the #MAME #Psion #SIBO emulator without building any new tools!
EPOC16 can read FAT volumes. So... mtools!
1. Make an empty file of, say, 2MB.
2. Use mtools to "format" it with FAT.
3. Use mtools to make directories in it and copy files into it.
4. Point MAME at the image.
Mtools is available for pretty much every Linux distro. And there's a version for Win32, too: https://github.com/foone/mtools_win32/releases/tag/4.0.23
Here's #EDisAsm 0.0.5 running on an emulated 3mx.
#retrocomputing #edisasm #sibo #psion #mame
Been thinking about #EDisAsm and where to take it next. The demand for the app is, after all, very small, so it's not like I have a userbase asking for features.
I want to check if some of the dumping routines are working properly, specifically for RAM bank 2 and ROM bank 1. I'd like to make the hex viewers usable on smaller screens (Siena, Workabouts). And I'd like to make some features more graphical, including adding a proper help system.
#retrodev #retrocomputing #psion #edisasm
New version of #EDisAsm is out!
A few new features and fixes, but most importantly it now detects screen size.
This means it's no longer restricted to 3a/c/mx - most features now work properly on the #Siena, #Workabout 1 and Workabout mx!
ROM, RAM and SSD dumping are working on all #Psion ASIC9 machines.
And that dumping feature might be quite useful to people soon...
#epoc #epoc16 #16bit #oldtech #retrodev #retrocomputing #psion #workabout #siena #edisasm
OK, I have no idea if I'm doing this right.
I'm trying to get the value of IO port 02h and put it into AX. So far this is what I have, based on some other code on #EDisAsm that @M0CUV wrote. My gut says that it's not right.
For full context, this is for an ASIC9-based #Psion machine (NEC V30H or V30MX, so 8086 plus a few extra opcodes). Port 02h has some info about these machines that the emulator dev needs to get info on memory mapping/addressing/mirroring.
#retrodev #x86asm #retrocomputing #psion #edisasm
I'm hoping this little bit of code that I'm going to throw into #EDisAsm is going to give me the value of IO port 0x02 on an ASIC9-based Psion. #TASM 4.1 doesn't hate it, so I just need to try running it on a real machine. But that's a tomorrow problem.
#RetroComputing #Psion #Series3a #Series3c #Series3mx #NECV30 #16bit #x86asm #assembly #oldtech #RetroDev #borland
#borland #retrodev #oldtech #assembly #x86asm #16bit #necv30 #series3mx #series3c #series3a #psion #retrocomputing #tasm #edisasm
Much discovering and a wee bit of development has been happening here.
For example, @M0CUV's #EDisAsm can now dump a specified range of ROM banks. But that's not the party piece.
It can also now dump SSDs over serial, from a #Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx.
We've also been given some SSDs that look to be Dacom related. Maybe a Gold Card flasher, maybe a 3Fax tester. Total guesses.
Oh, and original S3 emulation in #MAME is nearly ready for prime time!
I'll be doing some write-ups. More info soon! 😁