On April 3, 2004, Eyes Without a Face was screened at the Wisconsin Film Festival. Marking the occasion with some original Edith Scob art!
#EyesWithoutAFace #GeorgesFranju #EdithScob #Horror #HorrorMovies#ClassicHorror #CultCinema #MadScientistFilm #IndieFilm #AvantGardeFilm #ArthouseFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#eyeswithoutaface #georgesfranju #edithscob #horror #horrormovies #cultcinema #madscientistfilm #indiefilm #avantgardefilm #arthousefilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
54 years ago:
The Milky Way (DE,FR,IT)
Original title: La Voie lactée
Two drifters go on a pilgrimage from France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Along the way, they hitchhike, beg for food, and face the Christian dogmas and heresies from different Ages.
#TheMilkyWay #LuisBuñuel #PaulFrankeur #AlainCuny #EdithScob #LouisetteHautecoeur #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#themilkyway #LuisBunuel #paulfrankeur #alaincuny #edithscob #louisettehautecoeur #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
32 years ago:
One Can Always Dream (FR)
Original title: On peut toujours rêver
A billionaire Charles de Boisleve becomes a friend of a petty criminal Rachid after two of them meet in the supermarket.
#OneCanAlwaysDream #PierreRichard #EdithScob #PierrePalmade #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#onecanalwaysdream #PierreRichard #edithscob #pierrepalmade #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film