Today's #365ClimateEdits had a slight overlap with the #EditingForEffie #Wikipedia editathon. I was looking at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and ran the Author Disambiguator tool for Bert G. Drake who have been doing a lot of research on rising CO2 levels. About 40 edits on #wikidata that now links papers to him (the item had no incoming links before today)
#365climateedits #editingforeffie #wikipedia #wikidata
Been #EditingForEffie on English Wikipedia all day. So far I’ve researched and created two articles and have started drafting a third. The two published articles are and #Wikipedia
Still having an explore of early Smithsonian Annual reports and doing a bit of #EditingForEffie. I'd come cross the conchologist and collector Annie Law before. However I didn't realise she was a dispatch rider for the Confederate Army and was accused of being a Confederate informer.
📷 Museum of Comparative Zoology Public Domain
"Please help us honor Effie's memory by editing about Smithsonian women on Wikipedia and Wikidata on January 8th and 9th. This topic was near and dear to Effie as she was a fierce advocate for open access, Wikipedia, and women's history." #EditingForEffie event page also includes links to places for sharing memories of Effie Kapsalis (known as DigitalEffie on various sites):
Turns out I'm having a Robert Kennicott day. Have come across Mary Ann Hardisty, another woman who collected for and with Kennicott but this time in Canada. and #EditingForEffie #BecauseOfHerStory
#editingforeffie #becauseofherstory
I've been mourning the wonderful Effie Kapsalis since learning of her death. As I won't be able to physically attend the celebration of her life in Washington D.C. I've decided to dedicate Sunday 8th of January 2023 as my #EditingForEffie Day.
I'll use the Annual reports of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution as a jumping off point & add content on women to #Wikidata, #Wikipedia & #WikiCommons.
📷 by Andrew Lih CC0 via Wikicommons
#editingforeffie #wikidata #wikipedia #wikicommons