Is it true that "charter schools are public schools"? Find out why this question matters legally.
#edutooters #schoolchoice #charterschools #edpolicy #edlaw #lawtwitter
#lawtwitter #edlaw #edpolicy #charterschools #schoolchoice #edutooters
I am pleased to have participated in this podcast.
Are charter schools public or private? A case speeding towards the Supreme Court is likely to settle this dispute by declaring charters as “non-state actors.”
While Peltier v. Charter Day School is nominally about dress codes, the real question is whether charter school students have the same Constitutional rights as their public school peers.
#edutooters #charterschools #schoolchoice #edpolicy #edlaw #lawtwitter
#lawtwitter #edlaw #edpolicy #schoolchoice #charterschools #edutooters
I got the chance to weigh in on this matter.
#lawtwitter #edlaw #edutooters #schoolchoice
Schools sue social networks, claim they “exploit neurophysiology” of kids’ brains by @arstechnica
#edtechsr #digcit #medialit #socialmedia #edlaw
Free link. Much is at stake.
#charterschools #schoolchoice #edpolicy #edlaw #lawtwitter #edtooter
#edtooter #lawtwitter #edlaw #edpolicy #schoolchoice #charterschools
This is a really frightening for higher education in the United States.
#highered #edlaw #lawtwitter #edutooter
#edutooter #lawtwitter #edlaw #highered
Oklahoma could soon have nation's first publicly funded Catholic charter schools
#edlaw, #lawtwitter, #schoolchoice, #charterschools, #edutooter
#edutooter #charterschools #schoolchoice #lawtwitter #edlaw
A video of a recent lecture I gave: Developing a Model Civil Rights Statute in the Age of School Choice."
#edlaw #lawtwitter #edpolicy #edutooter #schoolchoice
I had the chance to weigh in.
#edlaw #lawtwitter #schoolchoice #charterschools #edpolicy #edutooter
#edutooter #edpolicy #charterschools #schoolchoice #lawtwitter #edlaw
Lawsuit by Virginia Tech women's soccer player who refused to kneel moves forward.
The short-term solution for states wishing to prevent charter schools from becoming stealth private schools by judicial fiat is to make them more *public.*
I will throw out 2 ideas. The authorizers must be public entities, and the majority of charter school boards must be elected.
#edlaw #lawtwitter #edutooter #schoolchoice #charterschools #edpolicy
#edpolicy #charterschools #schoolchoice #edutooter #lawtwitter #edlaw
AG: Religious charter schools are legal in Oklahoma
#edlaw #lawtwitter #edutooter #schoolchoice #charterschools #edpolicy
#edpolicy #charterschools #schoolchoice #edutooter #lawtwitter #edlaw
An argument for a reparations approach to school finance disparities.
#schoolfinance #lawtwitter #edlaw #edpolicy #edutooter
We in educational policy can learn from the debacles from the business sector, Here is an article from 2018.
"Are Charter Schools the Second Coming of Enron?"
#edpolicy #edlaw #lawtrwitter #edutooter #schoolchoice #charterschools
#charterschools #schoolchoice #edutooter #lawtrwitter #edlaw #edpolicy
From September 2022.
The Role of Research, Advocacy, and the Law in Educational Equity: A Conversation with Preston Green
#supremecourt #schoolchoice #edpolicy #edutooter #edlaw
I was one of the scholars interviewed for this article. #midterms #edlaw #edpolicy #schoolchoice
#schoolchoice #edpolicy #edlaw #Midterms
I participated in this webinar focuses on the national implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision allowing religious schools to participate in Maine’s system of public education and what advocates can do to prevent further intrusion of religion into the nation’s public schools.
#lawtwitter #schoolchoice #edlaw
A review of a recent keynote I did. #edlaw #edpolicy #schoolchoice.
#schoolchoice #edpolicy #edlaw