@DiegoBeghin But then how did #EdmundBurke predict in 1790 that the Revolution would end in tyranny? Was it just by chance?
The #conservatives have had a fraught relationship with #charities since the 1980s - even #davidcameron 's embrace of the "Big Society" much later was as much about getting leverage over them as supporting them - but the present lot have drifted to roughly the same anti civil society model as various illiberal democracies - which I need not name!
A really long distance from the "little platoons" valued by #edmundburke !
#conservatives #charities #davidcameron #edmundburke
The Tyee: Corporations and Wildfires Grow in Similar Ways https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/05/26/Corporations-Wildfires-Grow-Similar-Ways/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #FireWeather:TheMakingofaBeast #competitionkillingcompanies #wildfiresandcorporations #FortMcMurrayfire #HudsonBayCompany #JohnVaillant #EdmundBurke #JohnM’Lean
#BCNews #TheTyee #fireweather #competitionkillingcompanies #wildfiresandcorporations #fortmcmurrayfire #hudsonbaycompany #johnvaillant #edmundburke #JohnM
Use of #force alone is but temporary. It may subdue for a moment; but it doesn't remove necessity of subduing again
People will not look forward to #posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a #judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods
We're a Couple of Swells. c1870. The National Library of Ireland. No known copyright restrictions.
#Dublin #Ireland #OldPhotosOfDublin #19thCentury #TrinityCollegeDublin #EdmundBurke
#dublin #ireland #oldphotosofdublin #19thcentury #trinitycollegedublin #edmundburke
"People crushed by law have no hopes but for power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws; and those who have much hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous more or less." Edmund Burke, Letter to Charles Fox, 8 Oct. 1777 (Corr., II, 387.)
#OliverGoldsmith died #OTD 1774. Novelist, poet, playwright. He lived by his pen, also writing philosophical essays, including on aesthetics (as debated by Berkeley, Hutcheson, Burke) https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2014/04/04/goldsmith-coda/
Wrote first bio of #GeorgeBerkeley including this wild story from college days https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2014/06/23/berkeley-strung-out/
Wrote an early elegy for a selection of friends, including #EdmundBurke https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2015/04/04/here-lies-edmund/
The original "Citizen of the World" https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-95900-9_3
#OliverGoldsmith #otd #georgeberkeley #edmundburke #IrishPhilosophyOTD
@keithzg I agree with #EdmundBurke that an MP owes his constituents not just his vote, but his judgement. That is, MPs should vote as they think would be best for the country; they should ally themselves with others who have similar views about policies; and the electorate should choose MPs based upon their judgements, the policies they back, and whom they support to hold the high offices of state.
RT @JoeHumphreys42 on Twitter
[Wollstonecraft]'s breakthrough work "A Vindication of the Rights of Men" (1790) was ironically an attack on TCD grandee #EdmundBurke who she lambasted with a fair dose of anti-Irish sentiment and reverse sexism.
UCD's Katherine O’Donnell explains here: https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/was-ireland-s-most-prominent-philosopher-too-womanly-1.3498724
Link to Katherine O’Donnell's paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336239122_Effeminate_Edmund_Burke_and_the_masculine_voice_of_Mary_Wollstonecraft
The full thread https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeHumphreys42/status/1620820823673282560
#edmundburke #irishphilosophy #Wollstonecraft
What Is the Ideal World? 5 Utopias Proposed by Famous Philosophers.
Includes the satirical #Utopia of #EdmundBurke presented in "A Vindication of Natural Society". Parodying Bolingbrook and others, it's not conservative, and lacks much of a state, or religion. Its proponents in "Vindication" report doubts "that the Creator did ever really intend Man for a State of Happiness", with no prospect of optimism for the future or hereafter.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of quote misattribution is for good men to do nothing.
On the birthday of the man who infamously just kept on talking, the thing he didn't say https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/12/04/good-men-do/?amp=1
12 Jan: probably the most written about person in #IrishPhilosophy , #EdmundBurke was born in #Dublin (some say Co. Cork) #OTD 1730.
His greatest philosophical work was probably the "Philosophical enquiry into the origins of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful" (1757) #aesthetics
A Whig politician, he made important contributions re the #AmericanRevolution and the #FrenchRevolution
The latter resulted in his 20th century adoption by Tories.
#DIB bio & pic https://www.dib.ie/biography/burke-edmund-a1155
#irishphilosophy #edmundburke #dublin #otd #aesthetics #americanrevolution #frenchrevolution #dib
12 Jan: probably the most written about person in #IrishPhilosophy , #EdmundBurke was born in #Dublin (some say Co. Cork) #OTD 1730.
His greatest philosophical work was probably the "Philosophical enquiry into the origins of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful" (1757) #aesthetics
A Whig politician, he made important contributions re the #AmericanRevolution and the #FrenchRevolution
The latter resulted in his 20th century adoption by Tories.
#DIB bio & pic https://www.dib.ie/biography/burke-edmund-a1155
#irishphilosophy #edmundburke #dublin #otd #aesthetics #americanrevolution #frenchrevolution #dib
Born #OTD 1729, Edmund Burke first entered Parliament for Wendover in 1765. In 1770, he wrote a pamphlet defending the Rockingham Whigs. Find out more about his alignment with the Whig party👇 http://ow.ly/HG4M50M17n4
@histodons @histodon #18thCentury #Whigs #EdmundBurke #Burke
#burke #edmundburke #Whigs #18thcentury #otd