Article: Educators: We Must Be Champions for Our Trans Students
It's an opinion piece, not a more news-centric article, but it's nice to see it on the platform nonetheless.
#EdNews #EduTooters #Education #Teaching #TransRightsAreHumanRights #MessWithTexas
#messwithtexas #transrightsarehumanrights #teaching #education #edutooters #ednews
Article: Most School Districts Still Lack Data-Privacy Personnel
This is increasingly more relevant as more schools rely on ChromeBooks to reach a 1:1 connectivity ratio.
My students used to edit video on desktops. They handed their film fest projects in on CDs.
Now our "official" editing software is web based, because it has to be.
Our vendor jumped through lots of data privacy hoops to be approved, but due diligence is a lot of work.
Article: Reflections on 50 years of Game-Based Learning (Part 2)
This is not gamification, where you turn the curriculum into its own game where students can "level up" in your classroom. (I've done that, it was an interesting experience.) This is about having a game that, through the act of playing it, students are expected to learn something.
Or die of dysentery, as one tended to do on the Oregon Trail.
#edutooter #teaching #education #ednews
Article: ASCD and ISTE to Merge in Partnership Aimed at Reducing Education Silos
Ironically both of these orgs have blogs that don't have RSS feeds.
ASCD also has a "Podcast" section that doesn't have an RSS feed.
I look forward to them breaking down their own silos and hope they don't build another silo in its place.
#ednews #teaching #edtech #education #edutooter
#ednews Article: Why So Many Teachers Are Thinking of Quitting
5 Websites to Download Free Textbooks
Article: Is QAnon Radicalizing Your School Board?
Montgomery Co. public school students can stay virtual
The plan's for the 2021-2022 SY, and students need to apply for it.
Maryland Bill Would Give Students Mental Health Days Off | Maryland News | US News
Teachers stay home: Some public schools’ planned ‘return’ to school is just Zoom in a classroom
Article: Do Instructional Videos Work Better When the Teacher is On Screen? It Depends.
Video: How Paintings Help You See the World Differently
Open Education: Open Textbook Collections
A collection of collections of free to use educational resources.
Cardboard and Velcro Building Tiles
OK, this is a cool idea for teaching geometry.
And not just something with which I want to play.
Library of Congress launches AI-powered, image-based Newspaper Navigator tool
Troubleshooting Zoom
video by Justin Eames
There are enough teachers & students dealing with these issues right now for me to tag this #ednews and #technews.
Watch Out For These 3 Mistakes You’re Making During Distance Teaching
Ladies Navigate CS
Begins: Saturday, October 10th
Participants will have an opportunity to meet and ask questions to current Computer Science undergraduate students during the student panel
Register by October 7th:
The Creative Computing Program
Enrichment program that provides students (grades 4-8) who identify as female or as Black, Latinx, or Native American, experiences with computer science concepts
Register by 9-10: