#AccaddeOggi nel 1833 muore il pittore #ÉdouardManet tra realismo e impressionismo
Berthe Morisot au bouquet de violettes, 1872
Musée d'Orsay, Parigi
#30aprile #accaddeoggi #edouardmanet
(1) #BertheMorisot, fallecida un día como hoy en 1895, fue una figura destacadísima del #impresionismo y la escena artística francesa en la 2da mitad del S XIX trabajando con pintura al óleo, acuarela y realizando interiores y paisajes. Realizaba copias de otras obras en el Louvre, donde conoce a #ÉdouardManet (siendo su modelo en algunos de sus cuadros). En 1864 (a sus 23 años), varios de sus cuadros junto a los de su hermana Edma son expuestos en el Salón de París y en 1874 se incorpora a ->
#berthemorisot #impresionismo #edouardmanet
A painting for today. Moss Roses in a Vase, by Édouard Manet, c. 1882. Oil on canvas.
In his later years, Manet was confined to his apartment due to the paralysis of a leg. Friends visited him in his studio, bringing flowers, which he loved and painted. I particularly love this floral still life from that period.
#art #painting #edouardmanet #manet #arthistory
In the post-war years, Picasso painted a huge number of replicas of the paintings of his predecessors. It's literally impossible to call it replicas. For example - he draws a replica of Manet's "Breakfast on the Grass", but Manet himself wrote a replica of Giorgione's painting in this picture, and he wrote it, as you know, according to a sketch by Titian, but in general the plot was taken from a Greek vase.
#art #pablopicasso #edouardmanet #painting #mastoart
#maximkantor #art #pablopicasso #edouardmanet #painting #mastoart
The Tyee: Shhh! Enjoy the Silence (in Culture) https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/02/07/Black-Blue-Over-You-Art-Exhibit/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #Codesofsilence,RichmondArtGallery #ZoëChan,RichmondArtGallery #FestivalduNouveauCinéma #RichmondArtGallery #ShirleyBruno,Tezen #AlanisObomsawin #HarryStanbridge #CarolineMonnet #AleesaCohene #CreaturaDada #KevinQuashie #PietMondrian #ÉdouardManet #LesliePoole #BasJanAder #ToniOnley
#BCNews #TheTyee #codesofsilence #zoechan #festivaldunouveaucinema #richmondartgallery #shirleybruno #alanisobomsawin #harrystanbridge #carolinemonnet #aleesacohene #creaturadada #kevinquashie #pietmondrian #edouardmanet #lesliepoole #basjanader #tonionley
When I learned about Édouard Manet's "Olympia," the analysis focused on the parallel's to Titian's "Venus of Urbino" and the shocking nature of portraying a sex worker as the reclining nude. That was about it.
Being about to talk about Laure, the model for the maid, and the social commentary Manet is making by including a black model in this role, makes for such a fuller discussion I'm able to present to students today.
#ArtHistory #Art #Manet #Realism #FrenchArt #ÉdouardManet #Olympia
#arthistory #art #manet #realism #frenchart #edouardmanet #olympia
My Wordle score as the number of people in a painting. Today it's Édouard Manet's, 'A Game of Croquet', that he painted for the first time en plein air with its natural light and in a style that is as close to Impressionism as any of Manet's works. The men are fellow artist's Alfred Stevens and Paul Roudier. Between them are artist's models Alice Lecouvé and Victorine Meurent.
RT @Agniesz61796740@twitter.com
23.01.1832 ur. się Édouard Manet, francuski malarz i ilustrator, prekursor impresjonizmu.
Lubił gorszyć mieszczańską publiczność, jego Śniadanie na trawie czy Olimpia wywołały w swoim czasie spory skandal.
#ÉdouardManet #paintings
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Agniesz61796740/status/1617400513154236416
#BornOnThisDay #edouardmanet #paintings
Today is the birthday of French artist, Édouard Manet (1832-1883), who is described as a "pivotal figure in the transition from Realism to Impressionism".
This is 'Le Chemin de fer' from 1873
Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edouard_Manet_-_Le_Chemin_de_fer_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg #realism #impressionism #manet #edouardmanet #painting
#realism #impressionism #manet #edouardmanet #painting
My Wordle score as the number of people in a painting. Today it's Chez le Père Lathuille by Édouard Manet. Initially the beau was to be in uniform. Manet changed that when his first female model withdrew (Mile French replaced her). Set in a restaurant near the Café Guerbois in Clichy. It depicts a coquette somewhat past her prime having lunch with her young lover in another of Manet’s bold attempts to portray controversial subject matter in a decidedly modern manner.
RT @artistmanet
The Luncheon on the Grass, 1863 #realism #edouardmanet https://www.wikiart.org/en/edouard-manet/the-luncheon-on-the-grass-1863
My Wordle score as the number of people in an artwork. Today it's Édouard Manet's, 'Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe'. A painting I've looked upon many a time in the wonderful Courtauld Gallery in London. There is thought that Manet's inspiration was from two 16th Century pieces, 'The Pastoral Concert' by Giorgione and/or Titian, and 'The Judgment of Paris' by Marcantonio Raimondi, although that view is not held by all.
RT @artistmanet@twitter.com
Music in the Tuileries Garden, 1862 #edouardmanet #impressionism https://www.wikiart.org/en/edouard-manet/music-in-the-tuileries-garden-1862-1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/artistmanet/status/1592189087359807488
RT @artistmanet@twitter.com
Croquet, 1873 #manet #edouardmanet https://www.wikiart.org/en/edouard-manet/croquet-1873
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/artistmanet/status/1591935180679380995
RT @artistmanet: Rue Mosnier decorated with Flags, 1878 #edouardmanet #manet
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1515261273134485512
There are no lines in nature, only areas of colour, one against another
RT @BorisSemeniako@twitter.com
distances sociales impressionnistes
impressionist #socialdistancing #edouardmanet
#socialdistancing #edouardmanet