RT @EUCAP_autism@twitter.com
The 'quiet' room at the #EDPD2022 conference turned into a general-purpose lounge for a 90% autistic crowd from various organisations. We learn from this what our actual accessibility and inclusion needs are. We need to have discussions in accessible environments. #designforall
RT @EU_Social@twitter.com
Session 2️⃣ #EDPD2022 | Global instruments to protect the rights of persons with disabilities
🎙️ @katarinaik@twitter.com, Director for Social Rights and Inclusion, DG EMPL
🎙️ @SR_Disability@twitter.com, @UN@twitter.com Special Rapporteur on Disability
🎙️ Jorge Araya, Secretariat of the UNCRPD Committee
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EU_Social/status/1595769790718791683
RT @castrorakel@twitter.com
Young persons with disabilities are at the centre of discussions this #EDPD2022. They're sharing their experiences, and highlighting the many barriers they face - in education, employment, independent living, social protection - and how to break down barriers #EUDisabilityRights
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/castrorakel/status/1595740488237195265