When I was interviewing K-12 teachers around February, almost none were talking about AI but in a few months, things changed so fast that they talk about the AI PD. #EdResearch
Stated hypothesis include...
1. students may not know what effective strategies are
2. students may not know how to implement the effective strategies
3. perceived cost may outweigh perceived benefit
Wang, L., Muenks, K., & Yan, V. (2023). Interventions to Promote Retrieval Practice: Strategy Knowledge Predicts Intent, but Perceived Cost Predicts Usage.
#RetrievalPractice #ScienceEducation #EdResearch #LearningScience
#retrievalpractice #scienceEducation #edresearch #learningscience
"Retrieval Practice Consistently Benefits Student Learning" but how to get students to do it?
#ScienceOfLearning #RetrievalPractice #ScienceEducation #EdResearch #LearningScience
#scienceoflearning #retrievalpractice #scienceEducation #edresearch #learningscience
I've enjoyed the science-based learning resources and blog at https://www.learningscientists.org/
I'm happy to share that I have signed a contract with CRC Press
to publish my book, Data Management in Large-Scale Education Research! Once published, the online version will remain freely available as well. 🌟
The book is currently in progress but expect a completed draft by mid-October.
Dear Quantitative Researchers, especially working on multilevel models (HLM), I wonder about how you distinguish the top-down strategy from the step-up or vice versa before building your model using HLM. I appreciate any response. #quantitative #EdResearch #multilevelAnalysis #modeling #EdChat
#edchat #modeling #multilevelanalysis #edresearch #quantitative
The recent decision to resume national testing in Danish schools is based on the dubious concept of the human capital approach to education, argues Professor Ydesen of Aalborg University. #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci http://ow.ly/8is630suYRg
Education Outside the Classroom #OutdoorLearning was already gaining in popularity before #COVID-19. Research from @Chris_Becker_85 and his colleagues at @TU_Muenchen #EERAedu #EERABlog #EdResearch #EduSci http://ow.ly/xycg30suYRb
#outdoorlearning #covid #eeraedu #eerablog #edresearch #edusci
"Most Children's Rights issues stem from ADULTS", Laura, 12 years old from Australia during #Network25EERA webinar #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci #ChildRightsChat @ChildRightsChat @jkgillettswan @ZoeMoody1 @dunhill_a http://ow.ly/FIhS30suYR4
#network25eera #eerablog #edresearch #edusci #childrightschat
"Ask WHY a child is not going to school", recommends Bertsy, 16, from Cameroon at #Network25EERA event on children's rights in education #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci #ChildRightsChat @ChildRightsChat @ZoeMoody1 @dunhill_a @jkgillettswan http://ow.ly/oMk530suYR3
#network25eera #eerablog #edresearch #edusci #childrightschat
The recent decision to resume national testing in Danish schools is based on the dubious concept of the human capital approach to education, argues Professor Ydesen of Aalborg University. #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci http://ow.ly/VHtJ30suTGO
If you missed the webinar on the Special Education Research Accelerator, you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdeKY8u8Uns
#SpecialEducation #EdResearch #OpenScience #Metascience #Psychology
#psychology #metascience #OpenScience #edresearch #specialeducation
Do you want to join over 90 of your peers and share your research and opinions on the EERA Blog? We provide a robust process to guide you from pitch to published piece, whether you are an experienced academic blogger or first-timer. #EdResearch #EduSci https://blog.eera-ecer.de/contributing-to-the-eera-blog/
Whether you are pitching to the EERA Blog or another academic blog, our blog manager @Lynn_Nothegger has some tips on pitching and getting published. #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduTwitter #EduSci http://ow.ly/zFgz30suTGN
#eerablog #edresearch #edutwitter #edusci
New paper from the Science Everywhere project in AERJ! My collaborators are awesome.
Clegg, T., Hernly, K., @ahnjune, @jasoncyip., Bonsignore, E., Pauw, D., & @carolinerpitt. (2023). Changing Lanes: Relational Dispositions That Fuel Community Science Learning. American Educational Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312231165909
#education #learningSciences #EduTooters #communitylearning #InformalEd #informallearning #edresearch #science #sciencelearning
#education #learningsciences #edutooters #communitylearning #informaled #informalLearning #edresearch #science #ScienceLearning
RT @cara__jackson@twitter.com
Racial Differences in Student Access to High-Quality Teachers
"To address such disparities, decision-makers at all three levels—state, district, and school—have various policy options to consider" #EdResearch #EdPolicy https://direct.mit.edu/edfp/article-abstract/doi/10.1162/edfp_a_00402/115596/Racial-Differences-in-Student-Access-to-High?redirectedFrom=fulltext
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cara__jackson/status/1651184365248888835
How well do you know the 33 EERA Networks and the #EmergingResearchers Group? Find out more here. #EdResearch #AcademicChatter #ECRchat #EduTwitter #AcademicTwitter #EduSci https://eera-ecer.de/networks/
#EmergingResearchers #edresearch #academicchatter #ecrchat #edutwitter #academictwitter #edusci
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected strategic planning in schools, and what opportunities could be realised in the future. #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduTwitter #EduSci http://ow.ly/x1mc30suTGJ
#eerablog #edresearch #edutwitter #edusci
RT @EuropeanEducat3
EERJ's May issue is out now!
Read the range of our latest publications here: https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/EER/current
@ECER_EERA @SotiriaGrek @PaoloLandri
#EdResearch #education
What policies and practices are needed to support school leaders during the necessary digitalisierung of education? #EERAblog #EdResearch #EdChat #EduSci http://ow.ly/Wibu30suTGI
#eerablog #edresearch #edchat #edusci