Sign the Petition for fundamental rights of EU-citizens:
and/or watch this Video:
#StopScanningMe #edri #Chatkontrolle #csaregulation
🐦 @ella 🎉
At @europarl_en today as part of the @reclaimyourface coalition. We're here to amplify the voices of 250,000+ people who call on MEPs to uphold the ban on remote biometric identification & other forms of biometric mass surveillance when they vote on the #AIAct next week!
Europol claims to need #ChatControl to "protect the children". Meanwhile, police in Finland fails to wrap up in time a case where people in the nude (including minors) were secretly filmed, and the videos distributed on porn websites, even after the involved people were identified and the evidence collected.
I can't say I'm surprised, as #EDRi warned us this happens all the time:
#backdoor nei sistemi di cifratura, scansione automatica delle #chat come soluzione conto la pedopornografia, sono forme di soluzionismo tecnologico
In realtà problemi sociali complessi non si affrontano con soluzioni semplici che minacciano i nostri diritti
La tecnologia come soluzione è una scorciatoia pericolosa
Sull’argomento si è espressa Meredith Whittaker di #Signal
Il suo intervento si trova qui:
#backdoor #chat #signal #privacy #edri #rights
@AnonNewsDE Clientseitige Chatsysteme #CSS
Rede anlässlich des 20-jährigen Bestehens von #EDRi
#Grundrecht auf #privatsphaere #MeredithWhittaker #signal
#KI ist keine #Wunderwaffe
#css #edri #grundrecht #privatsphaere #meredithwhittaker #signal #Chatkontrolle #ki #Wunderwaffe
"Das clientseitige Scannen ist ein faustischer Pakt, der die Prämisse der #EndezuEndeVerschluesselung zunichtemacht."
"Wenn in einer Welt, die so sehr auf digitale #Kommunikation angewiesen ist, die #Verschluesselung gebrochen wird, löscht dies das #Grundrecht auf #Privatsphaere faktisch aus."
#MeredithWhittaker (#Signal) in einer Rede anlässlich des 20-jährigen Bestehens von #EDRi
#e2ee #Chatkontrolle #edri #signal #meredithwhittaker #privatsphaere #grundrecht #verschluesselung #kommunikation #endezuendeverschluesselung
Here we are #EH20
#Wikimedia, #FSFE, #EDRi etc. folks here?
I took the free #COVID19 test at the entrance. Ventilation so far seems ok.
#eh20 #wikimedia #fsfe #edri #COVID19
@newsroom Teken de petitie! zie
#privacy #encryptie #edri #petitie
#privacy #encryptie #edri #petitie
#EU #EDRI #DigitalRights: "This week we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of EDRi, the European Digital Rights network, and its two decades of defending and promoting rights online and off. The digital rights movement has come a long way and we are at a crucial moment to shape our shared digital future for the better. The EU’s fundamental rights framework has been pivotal in our achievements so far, but it has never served everyone equally. How can we better equip Europe for the human rights challenges of the digital age?"
Poll: Young people in 13 #EU countries refuse surveillance of online communication – Press Release
According to the results of the survey, 80% of young people aged 13 to 17 years old from 13 EU Member States would not feel comfortable being politically active or exploring their sexuality if authorities were able to monitor their digital communication, in order to look for child sexual abuse.
#EDRi #ChatControl #CSARegulation
#eu #edri #chatcontrol #csaregulation
#EU #DigitalRights #EDRI: "For the last 20 years, we built upon the core of EDRi – a passionate, resourceful and persistent civil society network. While strengthening the foundations of our community, we also added renewed campaigning and mobilisation capacities. Nowadays, the role of EDRi is ever more relevant and important as challenges to our freedoms and rights online and offline continue to arise and threaten our privacy, safety, dignity and agency. That’s why at EDRi, together with broader social movements, we strive to challenge power imbalances to protect and promote the digital rights of everybody."
Bitte nicht mitlesen! #Umfrage von #EDRi (European Digital Rights): Junge Menschen in 13 EU-Ländern lehnen Überwachung von Online-Kommunikation ab.
#Datenschutz #Jugendschutz #Jugendliche #bfdi @ulrichkelber
#umfrage #edri #Datenschutz #Jugendschutz #jugendliche #bfdi
Interesting #Survey: According to #EDRi, Young People Do Not Endorse "Chat Control" (CSA Regulation in the EU)
By their own account, EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online
#surveillance #eu #chatcontrol #CSAR #csa #edri #survey
Europaweiter Protest: #Petition gegen #Chatkontrolle
Der Dachverband digitaler europäischer Bürgerrechtsorganisationen #EDRi u. das Bündnis #Stop_Scanning_Me haben eine Petition gegen die Chatkontrolle-Verordnung gestartet, die ab jetzt unterzeichnet werden kann.
Die Petition fordert Europaabgeordnete auf, den Verordnungsentwurf der EU-Kommission abzulehnen u stattdessen eine Alternative zu verfolgen, die mit Grundrechten vereinbar ist.
#stop_scanning_me #edri #Chatkontrolle #petition
Die Idee der #Chatkontrolle wurde diese Woche sehr schön von allen Sachverständigen im Digitalausschuss zerpflückt. 🥳
Herzlichen Dank dafür u.a. an @senficon und @khaleesicodes
Die EU plant aber trotzdem fleißig weiter 😠
Sign the #petition and help us:
"I am joining 124 civil society organisations in calling to oppose the ‘Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse’ (CSA Regulation) and to pursue an alternative which is compatible with EU fundamental rights.
If passed, this law will turn the internet into a space that is dangerous for everyone’s privacy, security and free expression. This includes the very children that the legislation aims to protect."
#EDRI #StopScanningMe #CSAM
Join uns here
#csam #StopScanningMe #edri #petition #Chatkontrolle
#EDRi European Digital Rights @edri with a petition to European Parliament. Your private chats will be scanned, the technology is known to fail, we can't afford to get it wrong. Breaking #encryption will turn the #internet into a space that is dangerous for everyone’s #privacy, #security and free expression. #StopScanningMe
#edri #encryption #internet #privacy #security #StopScanningMe
From EDRi
Petition: Children deserve a secure and safe internet
Join us in our fight against the EU's attempt to scan every move we make online. Sign the petition.
By #EDRi · February 28, 2023
Members of the European Parliament (#MEPs ) need to hear from you. They are now discussing a law that will endanger everyone’s #privacy and safety. The proposed law promises to protect children from sexual abuse by breaking encrypted, secure communications....
#edri #meps #privacy #encryption
Bürgerrechtler fordern EU-weites #Spyware-Verbot. #EDRi
Offensichtlich muss man bei #trustpid aktives Opt-out betreiben auf einer Seite im Internet. Vorher sicherstellen, dass Mobilfunk Datenverbindung genutzt wird. Ich hoffe, jemand dreht diesem #trustpid Zeug den Hals schnell und richtig um. Juristen anyone? Evtl. mal wieder #noyb spenden oder #edri.