I really fear what #Internet is becoming. #Cookies, accept, decline some nonsense shit that many do not understand; #laws, #restrictions, #vpns, #bans, policies, and other stupid rules that defending the world does not exist, etc. What has happened? How did we let it be? It is not the place where I wanna be. I come here to see what I wanna see, to talk to anyone I wanna talk, to post what I wanna post, to find knowledge and skills I was deprived. And what we have now? What do we do then?
#freedom #freedomofspeech #aftermath #mutualaid #community #help #standforeachother #newera #newage #science #knowledge #edu #education #revolution
#internet #cookies #laws #restrictions #vpns #bans #freedom #freedomofspeech #aftermath #MutualAid #Community #help #standforeachother #NewEra #newage #science #knowledge #edu #education #Revolution
Eğitim, vaat işi değildir. Eğitim bilimsel ve akademik bir eylem sürecidir.
#liderlik #egtliderlik #egitim #egt #edu #K12 #education
People with relevant experience, potential opinions, and/or followers therewith: @rrrichardzach, @UlrikeHahn, @consequently, @colin, @RanaldClouston, @CubeRootOfTrue, @Inquiry
Relevant topics: #CriticalThinking #edu #higherEd #teaching #learning #research #preregistration #writing #argumentMapping #visualization
#criticalthinking #edu #highered #teaching #learning #research #PreRegistration #writing #argumentmapping #visualization
Maandag fysieke werkdag in Woerden, druk weekje:
- MOSA: Visiedocument review en bestuurdersbijeenkomst werkvorm
- Overleg Skillswallet
- Npuls: Architectuurscan EduWallet + Architectuurscan OKE
- EduStandaard: Bijpraten Standaardisatieraad resultaten architectuurdag Npuls / Edu-V
• Edu-V: Sessie met Publieke Regie ter voorbereiding DeepDive Edu-V
Oh en personeelsdag te gast bij MBO Graafschap in Doetinchem
#mbodigitaal #mosa #edu #npuls
It's been a busy day at the Arsenal Meme factory.
I was hoping against hope that the last two bad Raul contracts would have been resolved. I hope they can sell them to the Saudis or at least loan them to Turkey.
Arteta talking about not using the same formation by describing his daily commute was funny.
And check out TH14's smile when revealing Arsenal. We're back!
#Arsenal #ArsenalFC #ChampionsLeague #Henry #Arteta #GPS #TransferDeadlineDay #Edu
#arsenal #arsenalfc #championsleague #henry #arteta #gps #transferdeadlineday #edu
Seth Godin'in "Öğrenme, içinde yaşamak istediğimiz geleceğin kapısını açar." sözünde ifade ettiği gibi yaşam boyu öğrenmeyi alışkanlık haline getirerek sürekli öğrenerek yönetici, öğretmen ve öğrencilerin öğrenmesi için yönetsel ve öğretimsel liderlik yapmak durumundayız.
#Liderlik #egtliderlik #leadership #education #eğitim #öğrenme #egt #edu #k12
#liderlik #egtliderlik #leadership #education #egitim #ogrenme #egt #edu #K12
Komende dinsdag meeting bij Kennisnet om DeepDive Edu-V voor te bereiden.
Toelichting en werking van het Edu-V Architectuurkader. Concept is hier te vinden:
Doelgroep zijn "Publieke Regie" betrokkenen.
#edu #kennisnet #publiekeregie
Do you expect #kids to learn #math better alone, collaboratively, or competitively?
In a study of 274 1st and 2nd graders, it varied by gender (and not how I would have expected).
Boys performed better after working alone or collaboratively, but didn’t seem to benefit from competition.
On the harder tasks, girls benefitted *only* from competition.
#kids #math #edu #school #teaching #DevPsych #numeracy #decisionscience
Özel Öğretim Kurumlarının mevcut durumu ve öğretmen özlük hakları ile ilgi Serap Belovacıklı tarafından 29.08.2023 tarihli haber saati canlı yayınında sorularına verdiğim cevaplar ve bu konuyla ilgili görüşlerimi paylaştığım Sözcü TV yayın videosunu sizlerle paylaşıyorum.
#Eğitim #Öğretim #ÖzelÖğretimKurumları #Öğretmen #ÖzlükHakları #MEB #ÖzelOkul #ÖğretmenMaaşları #egt #edu #K12 #Okul #Başarı
#OkulÖncesi, #İlkokul #Ortaokul #Lise
#egitim #ogretim #ozelogretimkurumlari #ogretmen #ozlukhaklari #meb #ozelokul #ogretmenmaaslari #egt #edu #K12 #okul #basari #okuloncesi #ilkokul #ortaokul #lise
How might “None of the above” response options impact test performance?
(1) It didn’t seem to impact performance or confidence on individual items.
(2) However, the NOTA option did seem to reduce overall confidence.
(3) Also, students preferred choices without a NOTA option (68%). Few preferred the NOTA option (12%).
#edu #teaching #assessment #decisionscience #epistemology
Priscilla Vela, investigadora del juego infantil: “Tendemos a pensar que el juego es algo superfluo, pero es un mecanismo evolutivo sin precedentes”
#education #claustrovirtual #educacion #edu #crianza
Gifted children with Asperger's Syndrome - Davidson Institute
#education #edu #educacion #claustrovirtual
Investigando y promoviendo la protección de la infancia frente a la violencia.
Estudios rigurosos y éticos, compromiso social y prevención de la victimización infanto-juvenil.
#claustrovirtual #PostsEducativos #educacion #education #edu
#claustrovirtual #postseducativos #educacion #education #edu
The Constructive Dialogue Institute's online "Perspectives" education program seems to have produced small to medium reductions in (self-rated) #polarization scores and increases in (self-rated) humility scores, including in longitudinal randomized controlled trials with government workers and students.
Submitted paper: https://constructivedialogue.org/articles/the-online-educational-program-perspectives-reduces-affective-polarization-and-increases-intellectual-humility
In press at Journal of Social and Political Psychology: https://doi.org/10.5964/jspp.10651
Materials: https://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.13036
#polarization #edu #conflict #openaccess
Siempre hay que leer a @nolo14
#claustrovirtual #education #educacion #edu
¿Juego libre o dirigido? https://periodicoeducacion.info/2023/08/21/juego-libre-o-dirigido/
#claustrovirtual #education #educacion #edu #Crianza
#claustrovirtual #education #educacion #edu #crianza
La Ciencia Morada no se hace sola: hay que hacerla, por @Anvazher
Una de mis últimas adquisiciones ;-) Gracias
#claustrovirtual #PostsEducativos #educacion #education #edu
#claustrovirtual #postseducativos #educacion #education #edu
#ineditviable: Animació sociocultural al chthuluceno. Educació popular, participació, creació cultural, ecofeminisme i subversió, dins i fora de l'aula. Por @ ineditviable (en tw).
#claustrovirtual #PostsEducativos #educacion #education #edu
#ineditviable #claustrovirtual #postseducativos #educacion #education #edu
Blog sobre sociología, educación, actualidad, sociedad de la información, desigualdad. Por @ enguita (en tw).
#claustrovirtual #PostsEducativos #educacion #education #edu
#claustrovirtual #postseducativos #educacion #education #edu