Un hermoso cuento los es más cuando te identificás en él.
#cuento #galeano #eduardogaleano
Imagen: Pinterest.
Abrazos desde la Argentina.
#PalabrasdeEscritores - #Palabras - #Escritores - #EduardoGaleano - #Cultura #EscobarCultura #MastodonCultural #MastodoCultura #Bookstodon.
#palabrasdeescritores #palabras #escritores #eduardogaleano #cultura #escobarcultura #mastodoncultural #mastodocultura #bookstodon
Arundhati Roy: "Dreams in which failure is feasible. Honourable..." makes me think of Eduardo Galeano on Darcy Ribiero:
> Darcy has failed as an anthropologist.. as Minister of Education.. where illiteracy never stops. .. as a writer who dreamed of forbidding history to repeat itself.
> These are his failures. These are his dignities.
#EduardoGaleano #DarcyRibiero
#RoyOnFailure #GaleanoOnFailure
#galeanoonfailure #royonfailure #darcyribiero #eduardogaleano
Escritores: Eduardo Galeano.
67.2023 - #Escritores - #EduardoGaleano.
#escribir #narrativa #letras #literatura #frases #palabras #reflexiones #pensamientos #sentimientos #emociones #conductas #comportamientos #gestos #vida #mastoescritores #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse
IG.: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr18v2cNuzS/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
#escritores #eduardogaleano #escribir #narrativa #letras #literatura #frases #palabras #reflexiones #pensamientos #sentimientos #emociones #conductas #comportamientos #gestos #vida #mastoescritores #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse
Escritores: Eduardo Galeano.
261.2023 - #Escritores - #EduardoGaleano.
#escribir #narrativa #letras #literatura #frases #palabras #reflexiones #pensamientos #sentimientos #emociones #conductas #comportamientos #gestos #vida #literaverso #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse
#escritores #eduardogaleano #escribir #narrativa #letras #literatura #frases #palabras #reflexiones #pensamientos #sentimientos #emociones #conductas #comportamientos #gestos #vida #literaverso #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse
In the photos of Ryuichi Sakamoto's _No War_ book above, three of the four highlighted articles are still on Znet (now ZNetwork). The article by Howard Zinn is on another site^4 under the title "The Old Way of Thinking" instead of "Retaliation."
- 1 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/inevitable-ring-to-the-unimaginable-by-john-pilger/
- 2 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/solidarity-against-all-forms-of-terrorism-by-vandana2-shiva/
- 3 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/the-theatre-of-good-and-evil-by-guest-author/
#eduardogaleano #vandanashiva #johnpilger #nowar
In the photos of Ryuichi Sakamoto's _No War_ book above, three of the four highlighted articles are still on Znet (now ZNetwork). The article by Howard Zinn is on another site^4 under the title "The Old Way of Thinking" instead of "Retaliation."
- 1 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/inevitable-ring-to-the-unimaginable-by-john-pilger/
- 2 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/solidarity-against-all-forms-of-terrorism-by-vandana2-shiva/
- 3 https://znetwork.org/zcommentary/the-theatre-of-good-and-evil-by-guest-author/
#eduardogaleano #vandanashiva #johnpilger #nowar
In questi anni dove al centro delle cronache tornano periodicamente le immagini del martoriato Afghanistan, risalgono prepotenti dalla memoria le parole di Eduardo Galeano come monito.
#Afghanistan #eduardogaleano
Düşünürseniz, acı çekersiniz
Şüphe ederseniz, delirirsiniz
Hissederseniz, yalnız kalırsınız.
Thursday's book of the day is:
#eduardogaleano #latinamericanwriters #latinamerica #history
#history #latinamerica #latinamericanwriters #eduardogaleano
Lunes 6 de febrero de 2023, Argentina.
Queridos seguidores y lectores:
Hoy comparto una frase del gran escritor uruguayo 'Eduardo Germán María Hughes Galeano', (Montevideo, 1940 - 2015).
Info.: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduardo_Galeano
Abrazos desde la Argentina.
Atte.: Gabriel Martín.
0602.23 - #escritores #escritoras #frases #letras #literatura #poetas #fediverso #mastodon #narrativa #EduardoGaleano #Galeano.
#escritores #escritoras #frases #letras #literatura #poetas #fediverso #mastodon #narrativa #eduardogaleano #galeano
Comecei a ler Futebol ao Sol e à Sombra, de Galeano:
"Como todos os meninos uruguaios, eu também quis ser jogador de futebol. Jogava muito bem, era uma maravilha, mas só de noite, enquanto dormia: de dia era o pior perna de pau que já passou pelos campos do meu país."
#eduardogaleano #futebolaosoleasombra
Me encontré a #EduardoGaleano reflexionando un cigarrito en la Ventana de Elisa, #Chonchi, #Chiloé. #Galeano
#eduardogaleano #chonchi #chiloe #galeano
“Once upon a time, a cook decided to gather all the birds in the world and asked the birds what kind of seasoning that they would like to be marinated in when they are cooked and eaten. The cooker was all of democracy, so it was claimed. One of the chickens replied, ‘we the birds don’t want to be eaten whatsoever period.’ The cook replied, ‘that is out of the question.’ Democracy doesn’t go that far” #JoãoParaskeva #EduardoGaleano
#politicalPhilosophy #democracy #quote #curriculumEpistemicide
#curriculumepistemicide #quote #democracy #politicalphilosophy #eduardogaleano #joaoparaskeva
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Cuaderno de poemas. Eduardo Galeano
En la época victoriana, no se podían
mencionar los pantalones en presencia
de una señorita...
Today in Labor History January 22, 1932: Salvadoran communists, peasants and indigenous people rose up in rebellion against the military dictatorship, creating the first soviets in the Western hemisphere. In response, the military went on a rampage, killing 30,000 people in the "La Matanza." The violence decimated what was left of the country’s indigenous population, as well as most of its socialists, communists, anarchists and labor organizers. One of the first to go before General Martinez’ firing squads was guerilla leader Farabundo Marti (for whom the FMLN guerrillas took their name). Martinez once said that America was great because it wiped out its Indians and so, too, must El Salvador. Eduardo Galeano talks about La Matanza in his “Memory of Fire” trilogy.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #elsalvador #communism #union #peasants #indigenous #racism #massacre #soviet #FMLN #anarchism #EduardoGaleano @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #elsalvador #communism #union #peasants #indigenous #racism #massacre #soviet #FMLN #anarchism #eduardogaleano
#History never really says goodbye. History says, See you later
Creo que hay que pelear contra el miedo, que se debe asumir que la vida es peligrosa y que eso es lo bueno que la vida tiene para que no se convierta en un mortal aburrimiento.
0501.23 - Escritores: Eduardo Galeano.
#escritores #eduardogaleano #reflexiones #letras #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse #writers #literaverso #literatura #literature
#escritores #eduardogaleano #reflexiones #letras #mastodon #fediverso #fediverse #writers #literaverso #literatura #literature
Eduardo Galeano shares one of many Pelé anecdotes. This one from his book "Mirrors".
I am pretty certain there is another incredible one from "Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent" but I don't have access to that one at the moment.
#pelerip #booktooter #eduardogaleano
Este es un hermoso disco que ha cumplido 10 años.
#Disco #NoALaMina #NoEsNo #Arte #EduardoGaleano #AdolfoPerezEsquivel #AcaEstamos #Musica #Resistencia #
#disco #noalamina #noesno #arte #eduardogaleano #adolfoperezesquivel #acaestamos #musica #resistencia