Introduction time! I'm a cis-het white male currently working in higher ed administration while also attending graduate school in #EducationalDesign. I'm a long-time fan of #LoadingReadyRun, and I have a #Boardgame review website:
I also compete at, and volunteer at, the #WorldBoardgameChampionships (#WBC2023), which is a 9-day event held every year near Pittsburgh, PA. I'll be tooting out my results once the con begins in a couple weeks, so . . . enjoy?
#educationaldesign #loadingreadyrun #boardgame #worldboardgamechampionships #wbc2023
Part-time #academic in #AcWriMo on my terms - realistic over daily or aspirational. That said, goals:
Push the #Simulation #EducationalDesign paper over the line
Complete analysis on #SIM preparation for placement paper (write methods)
Progress placement readiness #StudentAssessment paper
Read more, note more, to write better
#academic #acwrimo #simulation #educationaldesign #sim #studentassessment
#Academic loving #Research in #HealthProfessionsEducation
#Simulation #SIM & #WorkIntegratedLearning #WIL #Placements in #OccupationalTherapy & #AlliedHealth #weAHP
Projects on SIM #EducationalDesign, #SimulatedPatients, #StudentAssessment, #FeedbackLiteracy, #ClinicalReasoning + more. #Rasch and #Assessment nerd. Growing partnerships for #FirstNations #Indigenous SIM and #CulturalResponsiveness.
#Learner #Disabled #ChronicIllness
Struggles against #academia
#introduction #academic #research #healthprofessionseducation #simulation #sim #workintegratedlearning #wil #Placements #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #educationaldesign #simulatedpatients #studentassessment #feedbackliteracy #clinicalreasoning #rasch #firstnations #indigenous #learner #disabled #chronicillness #academia #weahp #assessment #culturalresponsiveness