Alert: Free access to great articles! Within the special collection of #EducationalPsychologist on Race and #educationalpsychology the ten most-downloaded articles are now free-to-access for one month. Please check out these important articles and spread the word!
#educationalpsychologist #educationalpsychology #education #psychology
Finally, the #podcast and the special collection of #EducationalPsychologist are driven by Drs. Kumar and DeCuir-Gunby's excellent article, available here:
#podcast #educationalpsychologist #education #psychology #educationalpsychology
And I'm delighted to share a special collection of #EducationalPsychologist on Race, where we've gathered all the articles that Drs. DeCuir-Gunby and Kumar analyzed. Check it out here:
#educationalpsychologist #education #psychology #educationalpsychology
I am THRILLED to share this #podcast on "The Role of Race in #Educationalpsychology A Review of Research in #EducationalPsychologist " with Drs. Revathy Kumar and Jessica DeCuir-Gunby. It's a great conversation about how the field has and has not engaged with issues of race and justice, as well as what the future of the field could and dare I say should look like. I was so grateful to these scholars for their work!
#podcast #educationalpsychology #educationalpsychologist #education #psychology
I'm really excited about this new article in #educationalpsychologist on multiple goal regulation. There have been some models of self-regulated learning that account for multiple academic and well-being goals (Boekaerts) and there's research on multiple goals and motivations, etc (Scholer, Miele) - this article brings together and extends that work in novel and interesting ways, applied to learning. A must read!
#educationalpsychologist #education #psychology
Students can learn much from their errors. But how can we construct curricula and experiences that maximize that learning? Zhang and Fiorella have a great new article in #educationalpsychologist proposing a model for learning from generating and detecting and correcting errors, with guidance for design. Check it out!
@edutooters @psychology #education #psychology #educationalpsychology
#educationalpsychologist #education #psychology #educationalpsychology
I'm thrilled to share the latest issue of #educationalpsychologist ! It has articles on the role of race in #educationalpsychology , a new, integrated model of learning from errors, and a systematic review of orthographic learning via self-teaching. Must reads!
#educationalpsychologist #educationalpsychology #education #psychology
"Grades? Where we're going we don't need grades." Mandatory joke given the title of this new article in #educationalpsychologist - '“Feedback to the future”: Advancing motivational and emotional perspectives in feedback research' by Fong & Schallert. #education #psychology
#educationalpsychologist #education #psychology
7/ ...that I know I'm integrating into my work & I hope others do, too. I strongly encourage
#EducationalPsychologist readers & all #educationalpsychologists to read & reflect on this article; & also to continue submitting race-focused work to the journal. Thanks again Revathy & Jessica!
#educationalpsychologists #educationalpsychologist
6/ Revathy and Jessica also have recommendations for growth in
#EducationalPsychologist and the field in general, including more, and more explicit focus on race & culture in the journal & #educationalpsychology in general. Their synthesis & recommendations are important contributions...
#educationalpsychologist #educationalpsychology
4/ And we were so pleased Revathy Kumar and Jessica DeCuir-Gunby agreed to step up for this important service. They did a thorough service and synthesis of #EducationalPsychologist articles, finding four major themes across relevant articles in the journal:
3/ While working on this with
Taylor & Francis, the publisher, we learned that such special issues get more attention when they are accompanied by a new article on the topics. So, we invited members of editorial board to write a commentary on
#EducationalPsychologist's work on race...
2/Back in 2020, the APA Division15 Executive Committee approached Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia and me to put together a virtual special issue of #EducationalPsychologist articles relevant to race, racism, racial justice and equity...
1/ I'm so pleased to share this wonderful and important
#EducationalPsychologist article by Revathy Kumar and Jessica DeCuir-Gunby on how the journal has and has not addressed race, and what that means for the future. A few thoughts on how it came about...
x/ Shameless plug: for more on metamotivation, check out this American Psychological Association Division 15 podcast with David Miele:
#education #psychology #educationalpsychology #educationalpsychologist
#education #psychology #educationalpsychology #educationalpsychologist
2/ Good example of guidance that seem to have caught on: PRISMA. Example of what I wish would catch on: Open Science, for me see Hunter Gehlbach and Carly Robinson's special issue of #educationalpsychologist
What evidence exists for the Self-Teaching Hypothesis (i.e., people can and do learn some words implicitly while reading, without direct instruction)? To find out, see this new meta-analysis by Li & Wang in #educationalpsychologist ! #education #psychology
#educationalpsychologist #education #psychology
Parental involvement in education is a predictor of student success, but the discourse hasn't sufficiently accounted for cultural & structural differences and challenges. Kudos to Mega-Williams Gonzalez-DeHass for outlining how to improve the discourse. #education #psychology #educationalpsychology #educationalpsychologist
#education #psychology #educationalpsychology #educationalpsychologist
I recently bailed on the bird app. I'm an #EducationalPsychologist researching #Expertise and High Level Skill Acquisition also co-founder of the #Panic Lab
I chair the Department of Ed at Delaware Valley University
#edpsych #apa #div15 #AppliedEdPsych
Looking for folks to follow
#educationalpsychologist #expertise #panic #edpsych #apa #div15 #appliededpsych
I am SUPER excited to announce the latest special issue of #EducationalPsychologist on "Parental Role Construction Leading to Parental Involvement in Culturally Distinct Communities" guest edited by
Meca Williams-Johnson & Alyssa R. Gonzalez-DeHass! Intro article here: