…Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture at okm.fi/ammattikorkeakoulut for subdomains that might indicate Mastodon or other fediverse applications. Only Xamk.
I googled the domain names of the 14 universities listed by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture at https://okm.fi/yliopistot. I didn’t detect any fediverse instances hosted by universities that way.
#EducationFinland #HigherEducation #education #RDI #research #AppliedSciences #UAS #universities #Mastodon #fediverse #Xamk
#educationfinland #highereducation #education #rdi #research #appliedsciences #uas #universities #mastodon #fediverse #xamk
Update on the Finnish UAS and universities Mastodon/fediverse look-up:
I don't know how reliable and up-to-date this database of Mastodon instances at https://www.fediverse.to is, but I've searched it for Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. Nothing other than https://fedi.xamk.fi came up.
#EducationFinland #HigherEducation #education #RDI #research #AppliedSciences #UAS #universities #Mastodon #fediverse #Xamk
I googled the domain names of the 24 UASs listed by the…
#educationfinland #highereducation #education #rdi #research #appliedsciences #uas #universities #mastodon #fediverse #xamk