RT @uclpress_ed
Marchant & Bubb explore the question 'The master's element in initial teacher training: what is its value?' in a timely new London Review of Education article: http://ow.ly/sMxV50MV6jf. #openaccess #teachertraining #highered #teaching #educhat @HughStarkey
#openaccess #teachertraining #highered #teaching #educhat
At Acle Academy in Norfolk we are setting up an LGBTQ+ club with the @NorfolkLgbt project for our #LGBTQIA students at the school. We would love to hear about your favourite LGBTQ+ books, films, tv shows etc that our #students might like. #EduChat #Teacher5oclockclub #UKEdChat #LGBT
#lgbtqia #students #educhat #teacher5oclockclub #ukedchat #lgbt
Started a new job this week, part-time tutoring/teaching HS students who cannot attend school for any reason.
The school-provided Acer laptop is a cluster of MS past, present, and future. The tech dude couldn't even get Outlook to load, so I'm stuck w/ web access to my email.
Been a public school teacher on and off since 1992, certified in three states, surfing the Internet in School wave since 2002. Only the first of four schools I worked had a teacher deciding what software to subject his fellow teachers to.
MS continues to make bank on unsuspecting school districts.
This delightful (not a word I throw around) thread demonstrates the company's products' craven awareness of its own enshittification.
#Enshittification #WolfAtTheSchoolhouseDoor
#PublicSchools #CorporateGreed #CorporateIncompetence
#enshittification #wolfattheschoolhousedoor #publicschools #corporategreed #corporateincompetence #aitruthtelling #ai #educhat
#Teachers - To mark #LGBTplusHM we are running a #competition which gives schools the chance to win a scheme of work on attitudes towards the #LGBTQIA community in #Britain, 1533-1900. All our resources are fully differentiated for all #students. Boost the post to enter. #education #edudon #schoolresources #educhat :progresspride:
#teachers #lgbtplushm #competition #lgbtqia #britain #students #education #edudon #schoolresources #educhat
RT @ASABeducation@twitter.com
You guys are in for a treat. @bioburbler@twitter.com is an @RoyalSocBio@twitter.com award winning teacher of GCSE students. The writer of fantastic resources @chatbiology@twitter.com biology teachers everywhere can use these ideas. #educhat #biologyteachers Thursday at noon. https://www.animbehav2023.com/ https://twitter.com/BioBurbler/status/1615418650206564353
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ASABeducation/status/1615430279115739136
RT @asab_tweets@twitter.com
Hey #educhat #ukedchat here’s a really cool opportunity for your students to experience a conference. The #AnimBehav2023 twitter conf is next week. #animalbehaviour #scientists present their research in a🧵.It’s engaging, fascinating & easy to follow. https://www.animbehav2023.com/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/asab_tweets/status/1613551498532642817
#educhat #ukedchat #animbehav2023 #animalbehaviour #scientists
Here is one of many articles about #Udeskole - https://www.childrenandnature.org/resources/udeskole-in-scandinavia-teaching-learning-in-natural-places/ #FutureofEducation #educhat
#educhat #FutureofEducation #udeskole
Five ways to bring
more equity and inclusion
into your classroom.
#k12 #teachers #education #edutoot #educhat #openeducation #inclusion
#k12 #teachers #education #edutoot #educhat #openeducation #inclusion
50 films to see by age 15, or any age, because it’s a pretty good list:
#animation #filmmaking #film #cinema #FilmEducation #educhat #stopmotion #movie #education #cinemastodon #mastomovies #filmastodon #BFI #BritishFilmInstitute #cinephile #media #experimental #ForeignLanguage #anime #manga #classic
#animation #filmmaking #film #cinema #filmeducation #educhat #stopmotion #movie #education #cinemastodon #mastomovies #filmastodon #bfi #britishfilminstitute #cinephile #media #experimental #foreignlanguage #anime #manga #classic
RT @mrs_frommert
Fellow educators, were you nervous to call parents when you were a new teacher? @DarrinMPeppard #edutwitter #educhat #teacherchat Pls retweet to reach a wide #teacher audience
#edutwitter #educhat #teacherchat #teacher
FYI: The most popularly visited post from my "Reflecting on Learning and Teaching" blog this year was my book review of "Teaching Walkthrus" by Tom Sherrington and Oliver Cavilglioli
#Teaching #Learning #Education
#Edutoot #EduTooters #Teacher
#EduBlog #EduBlogs #EduChat
#teaching #learning #education #edutoot #edutooters #teacher #edublog #edublogs #educhat
Nach Weihnachten in der Heimat mach ich keine Promotion mehr.. dafür eine Provotion oder Provokation.. stimmt leider alles irgendwie. Merry Christmas 🙃 #educhat #merrychristmas #liebs #nicht #IchBinHannah
#educhat #merrychristmas #liebs #nicht #IchBinHannah
@PaulKirschner I can't read Dutch, but here's a link to an article I wrote on ending lessons with structure and purpose
#education #educhat #edutoot #edutooter #teaching
#education #educhat #edutoot #edutooter #teaching
What are some key distinctions in the literature on (and practice of) instructional design that teachers should know about? For example, “inquiry-based” vs “direct instruction”, “student-centered” vs “teacher-centered”, etc… what else?
#educhat #edutoot #education #teachers #highered
#highered #teachers #Education #edutoot #educhat
Templates for #Paper Mechanisms, an amaaaaazing classroom resource from #kellianderson. #origami #math #design #paperengineering #educhat #freetemplates #teaching
#paper #kellianderson #origami #math #design #paperengineering #educhat #freetemplates #teaching
Templates for #Paper Mechanisms, an amaaaaazing classroom resource from #kellianderson. #origami #math #design #paperengineering #educhat #freetemplates #teaching
#paper #kellianderson #origami #math #design #paperengineering #educhat #freetemplates #teaching
This very disappointing. The AI not supports a shareholder primacy perspective in this answer. I had hoped it would favor a stakeholder approach. #boardofdirectors #educhat
How might AI content generation tools such as GPT-3 disrupt assessment?
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #GPT3 #Assessment #HigherEd #EduChat #EduToot
#edutoot #educhat #highered #assessment #gpt3 #artificialintelligence #ai
"..remind us that race and ethnicity are a proxy for wider conditions of social life, which often place students from these backgrounds at a disadvantage in HEIs and in assessment"
#InclusiveCurriculum #EDI #Curriculum #HigherED #EduChat
An inclusive curriculum will create a Higher Education system that is fit for the 21st century
#educhat #highered #curriculum #edi #inclusivecurriculum
"Across the projects it became clear that early intervention improves engagement, and that engagement data can be a helpful first step in targeting support toward those who need it most."
#wonkhe #StudentProgression #Progression #HigherED #EduChat #Assessments
Drawing links between insight, practice, and student success https://wonkhe.com/blogs/drawing-links-between-insight-practice-and-student-success/
#assessments #educhat #highered #progression #studentprogression #wonkhe