Folks, if you're looking for plain evidence that the multi-year campaign to discredit and destroy public education in the United States is working and, in fact, "has worked," look no further than this current event in the State of Oklahoma. What a sad day. ðŸ˜
#OklaEd #EduTooter #education #teaching #oklahoma #TeacherShortage #teacher #edpolicy #EduPolicy #educationpolicy
#EduTooter #education #teaching #oklahoma #edpolicy #oklaed #teacherShortage #teacher #edupolicy #educationpolicy
[VIDEO] Schools Are Not Labs: Why "What Works" May Hurt via #HumanRestorationProject
#education #EduTooter #research #pedagogy #policy #politics #EdPolicy #EduPolicy
#research #EduTooter #pedagogy #education #HumanRestorationProject #policy #politics #edpolicy #edupolicy
@Otterlyelz It's ok, we're happy to host you while you figure out where you eventually want to land. Please feel free to post about your interests. And look for hashtags that are relevant to your work. That's how search works here, just by hashtags.
So you might use something like #edupolicy #uk and so on.
Are you into Science edu? If so, there are a lot of folks here in #Scicomm
Is #edutooter really a thing? Would love to connect with others working in #schools, #education, #edupolicy, #edresearch.
#schools #education #edupolicy #edresearch #edutooter