Gerade auf dem Weg zur #PHZH für den Jahreskongress der SGBF und SGL. Freue mich auf spannende Vorträge und Diskussionen! #EduSci #digital #leadership #education
#phzh #edusci #digital #leadership #education
10 lessons that PhD students can learn from storytellers. Dr Amanda Franco takes us on a journey from departure, through initiation, and return #PhD #EERAblog #EduSci
#ECER2023, Glasgow will feature 6 Keynotes. Take a first look at Richard Rose's Keynote "Researching Inclusively – Respecting both researchers and the subjects of research" @UofGlasgow @UofGEducation #EduSci
Will the reintroduction of national testing to evaluate 'learning loss' help students, or is merely education policy driven by the disproven concept of 'human capital', as argued by Professor Ydesen. #EERAblog #EduSci
The recent decision to resume national testing in Danish schools is based on the dubious concept of the human capital approach to education, argues Professor Ydesen of Aalborg University. #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci
#ECER2023, Glasgow will feature 6 Keynotes. Take a first look at Barbara Read's Keynote "Politics, Power and Precarity: Diversity in the Academy in Pandemic Times" @BarbaraRead35 @UofGlasgow @UofGEducation #EduSci
Donna Haraway’s philosophy offers conceptual and practical resources for navigating the complexities of contemporary educational problems - #EERAblog by @Taylor_C_A @nikkifairchild2 @shivazar1 and Dr Anna Moxnes #EduSci
Donna Haraway’s philosophy offers conceptual and practical resources for navigating the complexities of contemporary educational problems. Blog by @Taylor_C_A @nikkifairchild2 @shivazar1 and Dr Anna Moxnes #EERAblog #EduSci
#ECER2023, Glasgow will feature 6 Keynotes. Take a first look at Mark Priestley's Keynote "Curriculum making across education systems: the value of diverse voices" @MarkRPriestley @UofGlasgow @UofGEducation #EduSci
#ECER2023, Glasgow will feature 6 Keynotes. Take a first look at Alfredo Artiles' Keynote "Unpacking the spectacle of disability-race differences - Opportunities for future racial disparities research " @artilesaj @UofGlasgow @UofGEducation #EduSci
Education Outside the Classroom #OutdoorLearning was already gaining in popularity before #COVID-19. Research from @Chris_Becker_85 and his colleagues at @TU_Muenchen #EERAedu #EERABlog #EdResearch #EduSci
#outdoorlearning #covid #eeraedu #eerablog #edresearch #edusci
The concept of #OutdoorLearning was already gaining in popularity before #COVID-19. Research from @Chris_Becker_85 and his colleagues at @TU_Muenchen explain the benefits of getting out of the classroom. #EERAbog #EduSci
#outdoorlearning #covid #eerabog #edusci
Take a first look at Rosemary Deem's Keynote "Diversity and doctoral education – dream or reality?" at the Emerging Researchers' Conference at #ECER2023 @UofGlasgow @UofGEducation #EduSci
Craig Skerritt of the Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection at Dublin City University on "The Experiences of Irish Teachers in England". #EERAblog @CraigSkerritt #EERAedu #AcademicChatter #EduSci
#eerablog #eeraedu #academicchatter #edusci
Interested in publishing innovative, transdisciplinary educational research in partnership with the European Educational Research Association? If yes, why not submit a proposal to the "Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research Series"? #EduSci
"Most Children's Rights issues stem from ADULTS", Laura, 12 years old from Australia during #Network25EERA webinar #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci #ChildRightsChat @ChildRightsChat @jkgillettswan @ZoeMoody1 @dunhill_a
#network25eera #eerablog #edresearch #edusci #childrightschat
"Ask WHY a child is not going to school", recommends Bertsy, 16, from Cameroon at #Network25EERA event on children's rights in education #EERAblog #EdResearch #EduSci #ChildRightsChat @ChildRightsChat @ZoeMoody1 @dunhill_a @jkgillettswan
#network25eera #eerablog #edresearch #edusci #childrightschat
Will the reintroduction of national testing to evaluate 'learning loss' help students, or is merely education policy driven by the disproven concept of 'human capital', as argued by Professor Ydesen. #EERAblog #EduSci