After reading #DesertSolitaire by #EdwardAbbey & then #MonkeyWrenchGang in '76, we rafted through #Canyonlands in southeastern #Utah. After 8 days of lazily floating under the massive sandstone canyons, we arrived at the confluence of #GreenRiver & #ColoradoRiver & witnessed the immense rapids actively carving the heart of Cataract Canyon. Mind blown & then after the final set of rapids we arrived at a drowned #GlenCanyon 💔 making me a life-long lover of free rivers. 😢 #LakePowell can suck it.
#lakepowell #glencanyon #coloradoriver #greenriver #utah #canyonlands #monkeywrenchgang #edwardabbey #desertsolitaire
People and books that helped form who I am today:
#grahamgreene #johnupdike #walkerpercy #kurtvonnegutjr #johnirving #ralphellison #hermannhesse #loreneiseley #jamesbaldwin #johnsteinbeck #raybradbury #frankherbert #roberta #malcomx #kimstanleyrobinson #julianjaynes #sometimesagreatnotion #wendellberry #whatarepeoplefor #edwardabbey #desertsolitaire #tomrussell #carlhiaasen #michaelpollan #botanyofdesire #pattismith #michaelstipe #davidsedaris #cormacmccarthy
@thefarcountry I am so glad to see you here, Peter!
#desertsolitaire #monkeywrenchgang #edwardabbey
I'm right there with you. Love being out in the natural world! It is our connection to reality.
Play on Sister! 💚
#JohnMuir, #EdwardAbbey and #DavidSuzuki are great #teachers.
#johnmuir #edwardabbey #davidsuzuki #teachers
Doc, Bonnie, Seldom & George Hayduke are surely smiling. It's time to undam #GlenCanyon.
Come to think of it, I don't often roll through a single author's work much. Usually I'll take off on a topic (sort of nonfiction-heavy these days) and follow a thread from there.
#kurtvonnegut #edwardabbey #huntersthompson #daveeggers #williamdalrymple #paulauster #harukimurakami
The greats tend to destroy their TVs, one way or another. But for a more sustainable approach see Masato Ogata's way in Minamata. If I every have to take out a TV, it won't be with a gun, rocks from the garden are better than guns from the machine.
Proud to be from PA!! The greats tend to destroy their TVs.
ペンシルベニア州生れのEdward Abbeyさんはテレビを壊して偉いと思うけど、 水俣の緒方正人さんはもっと偉い。庭の石でテレビを壊す[1]のがもっと継続官能な方法ですので尊敬します。 やっぱりしっかりしている人間は素手、 鉄砲などの近来(Modernity) の手段を借りて怠け者(lazy)なことをしません。
[1] [常世の船を漕ぎて: 水俣病私史」 _Rowing the Eternal Sea: The Story of a Minamata Fisherman _
#EdwardAbbey #OgataMasato #MasatoOgata #PA #Pennsylvania #Minamata #水俣 #緒方正人
#緒方正人 #水俣 #minamata #pennsylvania #pa #MasatoOgata #OgataMasato #edwardabbey
Detail from a "Desert Solitaire" poster I made last month.
"A man on foot, on horseback or on a bicycle will see more, feel more, enjoy more in one mile than the motorized tourists can in a hundred miles." Ed Abbey
#penandink #theartofvincelarue #edwardabbey