Introduzione al metodo Six Thinking Hats
Sviluppato da Dr. Edward de Bono, “Six Thinking Hats” è un framework progettato per promuovere il ...
#edwarddebono #metodo #SixThinkingHats
#edwarddebono #metodo #sixthinkinghats
Introduzione al metodo Six Thinking Hats
Sviluppato da Dr. Edward de Bono, “Six Thinking Hats” è un framework progettato per promuovere il ...
#edwarddebono #metodo #SixThinkingHats
#edwarddebono #metodo #sixthinkinghats
A person who knows all the answers, has an opinion on everything, has a certainty backed up by rational argument, has very little possibility of further progress. Such a person is unlikely to walk away from a discussion with anything more than a reaffirmation of how right he or she has been all along.
-- Edward deBono
#quotes #edwarddebono #knowing #photography #panorama #sunset #florida
Even words can “provoke”. Indeed, if you pay attention, it is always words that provoke discussions, trigger quarrels and various problems, and even wars. Not surprisingly, in the beginning, was the “Word”, with all the consequences of the case. Carlo Levi wrote that words are stones. I think words are like events, they make things, and they change things. They transform both who says them and who listens to them, transmit energy, satisfy ...
“It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all.”
― Edward de Bono
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #edwarddebono
In this post, I talk about #visualthinking techniques that can be drawn from #designthinking, #dataanalytics, #systemthinking, #gamestorming, and #lean startup to help #individuals, #groups, and teams facilitate #decisionmaking.
#BusinessDecisions #Collaboration #ClusteringAnalysis #Creativity #CriticalThinking #DataVisualization #DesignDecisions #DesignSkills #DesignStrategy #EdwardDeBono #LateralThinking
#MentalModels #SixThinkingHats #UX #UserResearch #Workshops
#visualthinking #designthinking #dataanalytics #systemthinking #gamestorming #lean #individuals #groups #decisionmaking #businessdecisions #collaboration #clusteringanalysis #creativity #criticalthinking #datavisualization #designdecisions #designskills #DesignStrategy #edwarddebono #lateralthinking #mentalmodels #sixthinkinghats #ux #userresearch #workshops
Bob that's so creative! I chose this photo because it's beautiful example of thinking outside the box. #EdwardDeBono #LateralThinking
#LateralThinking #edwarddebono