Kotaku: Fullmetal Alchemist Is A Brilliant, Piercing Critique Of Capitalism https://kotaku.com/fullmetal-alchemist-anime-manga-capitalism-alchemy-1850730164 #gaming #tech #kotaku #prostheticsinfiction #fullmetalalchemist #philosophersstone #alphonseelric #winryrockbell #hiromuarakawa #vanhohenheim #edwardelric #maeshughes #shoutucker #fuhrerking #roymustang #funimation #hohenheim #cornello #bradley #aniplex #alchemy #edward #xerxes #marcoh #fuhrer #bones #izumi #scar #nina #ling #ed #al
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #prostheticsinfiction #fullmetalalchemist #philosophersstone #alphonseelric #winryrockbell #hiromuarakawa #vanhohenheim #edwardelric #maeshughes #shoutucker #fuhrerking #roymustang #funimation #hohenheim #cornello #Bradley #aniplex #alchemy #edward #xerxes #marcoh #fuhrer #bones #izumi #scar #nina #ling #ed #al
Kotaku: Yoko Taro’s New Death Game Anime Sounds Typically Wild https://kotaku.com/kamierabi-god-app-yoko-taro-nier-anime-expo-crunchyroll-1850603225 #gaming #tech #kotaku #serialexperimentslain #hiroyukiseshitaajin #hiroyukiseshita #kamierabigodapp #kagerouproject #atsushiohkubo #edwardelric #funimation #yokotaro #kotaku #anime #ultra #shaft #odex #jin #app
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #serialexperimentslain #hiroyukiseshitaajin #hiroyukiseshita #kamierabigodapp #kagerouproject #atsushiohkubo #edwardelric #funimation #yokotaro #anime #ultra #shaft #odex #jin #app
鋼の錬金術師 – マスタングは正義の炎の中でラストの体を燃やします、彼女の賢者の石が枯渇するとラストの魂は消えた https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1647927/voice-actor/
#AlexLouisArmstrong #AlphonseElric #EdwardElric #Jean #maeshughes #saloris #Vlog #voiceactor #アルフォンス・エルリック #エドワード・エルリック #マース・ヒューズ #マスタングは正義の炎の中でラストの体を燃やします彼女の賢者の石が枯渇するとラストの魂は消えた #井上文彦 #声優 #男性声優 #鋼の錬金術師
#男性声優 #鋼の錬金術師 #AlexLouisArmstrong #alphonseelric #edwardelric #jean #maeshughes #saloris #vlog #voiceactor #アルフォンス #エドワード #マース #マスタングは正義の炎の中でラストの体を燃やします彼女の賢者の石が枯渇するとラストの魂は消えた #井上文彦 #声優
fma animation practice with ed #mastoart #animation #fullmetalalchemist #fma #edwardelric #anime
#mastoart #animation #fullmetalalchemist #fma #edwardelric #anime
Merci d'avoir été là pour donner vie à ce personnage emblématique de mon adolescence 😍 #ArthurPestel doubleur Français du Full Métal Alchemist #EdwardElric. Je tiens à remercier tout les doubleurs sans exception de cet animé qui ma particulièrement touché.
C'était un plaisir de découvrir qui se cachait derrière cette voix.
#arthurpestel #edwardelric #japanexponice
RT @prinsciiia@twitter.activitypub.actor
aether and lumine as ed and al
#edwardelric #alphonseelric #aether #lumine #fma #genshin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/prinsciiia/status/1565930073470840832
#Genshin #fma #lumine #aether #alphonseelric #edwardelric
As i said, here's the Edward sketch for those who voted for him
#naked #shota #fullmetalalchemist #gay #edwardelric
Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.
I did this sketch during the first lockdown in March 2020 while I was rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
#EdwardElric #FullmetalAlchemist #FullmetalAlchemistBrotherhood #DigitalSketch #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Art #Sketch
#sketch #art #MastoArt #DigitalArt #digitalsketch #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood #fullmetalalchemist #edwardelric
ライブでここまで進みました #今日のライブ進捗 #burger #Edwardelric #fullmetalalchemist #shota #正太 #shota #正太 #shota #cuteboy #kawaii #fanart #可愛 #illustration #少年 #萌 #moe #anime #boy #digitalart #drawing #doodle #painting #ikemen #絵描き #イラスト #artchallenge #fantober #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/3332844153677371866 https://pawoo.net/media/5bBQrj4bSiNDUZkUujI
#pixivsketch #fantober #artchallenge #イラスト #絵描き #ikemen #painting #doodle #drawing #digitalart #boy #anime #moe #萌 #少年 #illustration #可愛 #fanart #kawaii #cuteboy #正太 #shota #fullmetalalchemist #edwardelric #burger #今日のライブ進捗
A pair of braided boys having fun done in a more anime-like style.
We may do more like these in the future!
Commissions are OPEN! Send us a DM if you're interested!
#FMA #Edward #EdwardElric #shota #shotacon #yaoi #gay #anime #anal #astolfo #fate
#fma #edward #edwardelric #shota #shotacon #yaoi #gay #anime #anal #astolfo #fate