A fantastical building – reposted review of '#EdwardIII’s Round Table at #Windsor: The House of the #RoundTable and the Windsor Festival of 1344' (2007) by Julian Munby, Richard Barber, and Richard Brown. Medieval #Arthurian reenactment perhaps?
#edwardiii #windsor #roundtable #arthurian
The #AngloPortugueseAlliance was invoked during World War II, & reiterated in the Bilateral Declaration of 2022, with more celebrations planned in 2023. It is said to be the world's longest-lasting peace treaty - & it got off to a good start when a young woman far from home made a success of her arranged marriage. 🧵 14/14
#Portugal #peacemaking #legacy #GranddaughtersOfEdwardIII
#EdwardIII #JohnOfGaunt #PhilippaOfLancaster #14thCentury #medieval #history #histodons #medievodons @medievodons
#angloportuguesealliance #portugal #peacemaking #legacy #granddaughtersofedwardiii #edwardiii #johnofgaunt #philippaoflancaster #14thcentury #medieval #history #histodons #medievodons
The name Philippa has been popular in England since the #14thCentury when Philippa of Hainault arrived to marry the young king Edward III. Three of their first four granddaughters were named #Philippa: daughters of Lionel of Antwerp, John of Gaunt, & their sister Isabella of Woodstock. 🧵 2/
#GivenName #GranddaughtersOfEdwardIII #PhilippaOfHainault #EdwardIII #LionelOfAntwerp #JohnOfGaunt #IsabellaOfWoodstock #medieval #medievodons
#14thcentury #philippa #givenname #granddaughtersofedwardiii #philippaofhainault #edwardiii #lionelofantwerp #johnofgaunt #isabellaofwoodstock #medieval #medievodons
A splendid #manuscript has been digitised & highlighted by the #BL. It's a grant by #AlfonsoX & his queen #Violante, "reigning as one" (regnante en uno), in the year in which Lord Edward son of #HenryIII of England was knighted in #Burgos - 1254, when the future #EdwardIII came to marry #EleanorOfCastile. The attached seal of Castile & León is not wax but lead.
#PrivilegioRodado #Signo Rodado #LeadenSeal #13thCentury #BritishLibrary #medieval #medievodons @medievodons
#manuscript #bl #alfonsox #violante #henryiii #burgos #edwardiii #eleanorofcastile #privilegiorodado #signo #leadenseal #13thcentury #britishlibrary #medieval #medievodons
oops... meant to hashtag this post... but I'm out of characters as per my instance's practice I guess. Does everyone else have only 500 characters? ... anyway!
#histodons #EconomicHistory #medievodons #EdwardIII #medieval
#medieval #edwardiii #medievodons #economichistory #histodons
I had a wonderful day today at the National Archives in Kew (UK) with medieval manuscript rolls, memoranda, writs, and misc.
... primary source rapture. No illuminations, but one lovely bit of marginalia
10/10 would definitely recommend
TNA catologue E101/127/38