The legends surrounding King Arthur and his knights have charmed and intrigued people for centuries and their popularity continues in the present day. #History #EdwardIIIofEngland #Excalibur #Gildas
#Gildas #excalibur #edwardiiiofengland #History
The Black Death was a plague pandemic that devastated medieval Europe from 1347 to 1352. #History #BlackDeath #EdwardIIIofEngland #GiovanniBoccaccio
#GiovanniBoccaccio #edwardiiiofengland #blackdeath #History
In medieval Europe, a code of ethics known as chivalry developed which included rules and expectations that the nobility would, at all times, behave in a certain manner. #History #CourtlyLove #EdwardIIIofEngland #Jousting
#jousting #edwardiiiofengland #courtlylove #History
The Hundred Years' War was fought intermittently between England and France from 1337 to 1453 CE and the conflict had many consequences, both immediate and long-lasting. #BattleofAgincourt #EdwardIIIofEngland #EdwardtheBlackPrince #History
#History #edwardtheblackprince #edwardiiiofengland #battleofagincourt
The Battle of Poitiers on 19 September 1356 CE was the second great battle of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) after Crécy (1346 CE) and, once again, it was the English who won. Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE), son of Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE), masterminded victory largely thanks to the continued domination of the powerful longbow weapon, Edward's excellent defensive p... #BattleofAgincourt #EdwardIIIofEngland #EdwardtheBlackPrince #History
#History #edwardtheblackprince #edwardiiiofengland #battleofagincourt
The Battle of Crécy on 26 August 1346 CE saw an English army defeat a much larger French force in the first great battle of the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE). Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE) and his son Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 CE) led their professional army to victory thanks to a good choice of terrain, troop discipline in the heat of battle, use of the devastating weapo... #BattleofAgincourt #EdwardIIIofEngland #EdwardtheBlackPrince #History
#History #edwardtheblackprince #edwardiiiofengland #battleofagincourt
David II of Scotland ruled as king from 1329 to 1371 CE. Succeeding his father Robert the Bruce (r. 1306-1329 CE) when still a child, his early reign was threatened by the pretender Edward Balliol (c. 1283-1364 CE), son of King John Balliol (r. 1292-1296 CE). Edward Balliol had the support of Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE), and he managed to declare himself king twice and rule parts of... #DavidIIofScotland #EdwardIIIofEngland #JohnBalliol
#johnballiol #edwardiiiofengland #davidiiofscotland
The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) was an intermittent conflict fought between England and France that started when king Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE) squabbled with Philip VI of France (r. 1328-1350 CE) over feudal rights concerning Gascony and trade with the Low Countries. Edward also asserted that he was the rightful king of France and pressed this claim by winning great victori... #BattleofAgincourt #EdwardIIIofEngland #HenryVofEngland
#henryvofengland #edwardiiiofengland #battleofagincourt