(That other website is down, and I'd like to keep a record of this #thread somewhere, so I can go back to it.)
I'd argue that #EdwardSaid 's "#JaneAusten and #Empire" is quite pedagogical in weaving in both #textualanalysis and description and #culturalhistory (and other kinds of #history).
What's peculiar about it is that he is being defensive: he will be linking a beloved, canonical author (Jane Austen) with a violent, execrable history of domination, so he better back up not only what he is saying, but also what he is doing. To do that, he anchors #context in a careful reading of the #text. To say that #MansfieldPark is not about #colonialism may be right, but while colonialism "is ... incidental, referred to only in passing" (so you need to read carefully to notice), it is also "absolutely crucial to the action" (so you should want to parse it if you want to get the novel).
#thread #edwardsaid #JaneAusten #empire #textualanalysis #culturalhistory #history #context #text #mansfieldpark #colonialism
Buongiorno Palestina 83 https://radiowombat.net/buongiorno-palestina-83/ #Palestinesidelladiaspora #BuongiornoPalestina #Mortisottotortura #Scuolaebraica #EdwardSaid #Vicopisano #musharaka #Pontedera #Ebraismo #Ponsacco #Caverne #Valdera #Zeloti #dabka #BDS #GPI
#gpi #bds #dabka #Zeloti #Valdera #caverne #Ponsacco #ebraismo #pontedera #musharaka #Vicopisano #edwardsaid #Scuolaebraica #Mortisottotortura #buongiornopalestina #Palestinesidelladiaspora
Immaginario coloniale italiano https://www.carmillaonline.com/2019/01/05/immaginario-coloniale-italiano/ #colonialismoitaliano #immaginariocoloniale #ArmandoLancellotti #Culturalstudies #ClaudioG.Segré #FedericoCresti #AngeloDelBoca #GabrieleBassi #GiorgioRochat #NicolaLabanca #Omaral-Muctar #colonialismo #Tripolitania #Recensioni #EdwardSaid #Cirenaica #Mussolini #Badoglio #fascismo #Graziani #Libia
#colonialismoitaliano #immaginariocoloniale #armandolancellotti #culturalstudies #claudiog #federicocresti #angelodelboca #gabrielebassi #giorgiorochat #nicolalabanca #omaral #colonialismo #tripolitania #recensioni #edwardsaid #cirenaica #mussolini #badoglio #fascismo #graziani #libia