121 years ago:
Appointment by Telephone (US)
A businessman makes a luncheon appointment with a young lady, but finds that his wife disapproves of the arrangement.
#AppointmentbyTelephone #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm
#appointmentbytelephone #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm
117 years ago:
The Terrible Kids (US)
Two boys and their dog set out to play a series of practical jokes on their neighbors. After they have caused several disruptions, the police are called, and soon the boys are on the run, pursued by the police and others. In their efforts to escape, the boys receive considerable help from the resour...
#TheTerribleKids #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm
#theterriblekids #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm
115 years ago:
Tale the Autumn Leaves Told (US)
A handful of short tales of love, framed by leaf masks.
#TaletheAutumnLeavesTold #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #Film
#taletheautumnleavestold #edwinsporter #precode #film
121 years ago:
Fun in a Bakery Shop (US)
A baker's assistant throws a handful of dough at a rat. The dough sticks to the side of a barrel and the assistant proceeds to sculpt the dough into various faces and shapes. There is some experimental use of stop motion.
#FuninaBakeryShop #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #Film
#funinabakeryshop #edwinsporter #precode #film
109 years ago:
Tess of the Storm Country (US)
A young girl, squatting on a wealthy man's land fights for her fellow squatters' right to stay.
#TessoftheStormCountry #EdwinSPorter #MaryPickford #OliveCarey #PreCode #ClassicMovies
#tessofthestormcountry #edwinsporter #marypickford #olivecarey #precode #classicmovies
122 years ago:
Love by the Light of the Moon
Shows a garden wall in the background. Two lovers appear and lean over the garden gate where the moon throws a shadow upon the ground. The young man invites the young lady to a settee, when the moon's face brightens into a very pronounced grin. As the pair begin love making, the moon winks one eye a...
#LovebytheLightoftheMoon #EdwinSPorter #ClassicFilm
#lovebythelightofthemoon #edwinsporter #classicfilm
119 years ago:
Buster Brown and the Dude
Scene II of the Buster Brown Series. Shows a millinery store in the shopping district, and Mrs. Brown with a lady friend, admiring the hats displayed in the window. Buster and Tige are standing in the foreground. A howling swell, leading a small dog bedecked with ribbons, recognizes Mrs. Brown and s...
#BusterBrownandtheDude #EdwinSPorter #ClassicMovies
#busterbrownandthedude #edwinsporter #classicmovies
122 years ago:
The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken (US)
An old maid is walking about the studio while the photographer is getting his camera ready. She first looks at a hanger, which immediately falls from the wall, not being able to stand her gaze. Then she looks at the clock, and her face causes it to fall to the floor with a crash. She then walks over...
#TheOldMaidHavingHerPictureTaken #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #Movies
#theoldmaidhavingherpicturetaken #edwinsporter #precode #movies
123 years ago:
The Kiss (US)
Nothing new, but an old thing done over again and done well. Some one has attempted to describe a kiss as "something made of nothing," but this is not one of that kind, but one of those old fashioned "home made" kind that sets the whole audience into merriment and motion, and has always proven a pop...
#TheKiss #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicMovies
#thekiss #edwinsporter #precode #classicmovies
123 years ago:
Uncle Josh's Nightmare (US)
Poor Uncle Josh is trying to get to sleep, but being constantly bedevilled by a fellow in red long underwear with horns. A short early trick editing film using a stationary camera much more valuable for its historical, rather than entertainment value.
#UncleJoshsNightmare #EdwinSPorter #Horror #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#unclejoshsnightmare #edwinsporter #horror #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
117 years ago:
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (US)
A live-action film adaptation of the comic strip Dream of the Rarebit Fiend by American cartoonist Winsor McCay. This silent short film follows the established theme: the “Rarebit Fiend” gorges himself on rarebit and thus suffers spectacular hallucinatory dreams.
#DreamofaRarebitFiend #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#dreamofararebitfiend #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
118 years ago:
The Kleptomaniac (US)
A well-dressed woman leaves her home and takes a carriage to a department store. While she is in the store, she steals several items, and is caught by store employees. Meanwhile, a poor woman with two small children steals a loaf of bread out of desperation, and she is quickly caught and arrested. B...
#TheKleptomaniac #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thekleptomaniac #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
123 years ago:
An Animated Luncheon (US)
The scene takes place in a fashionable cafe. A well dressed couple enter, and after a careful perusal of the menu, conclude on an order of boiled eggs and Welsh rarebit.
#AnAnimatedLuncheon #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#ananimatedluncheon #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
121 years ago:
Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show (US)
Country rube thinks what he sees on the movie screen is real. He jumps out of his seat to try to stop a kissing scene.
#UncleJoshattheMovingPictureShow #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#unclejoshatthemovingpictureshow #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
115 years ago:
Fireside Reminiscences (US)
A broken-hearted husband thinks about the past as he sits by the fireplace.
#FiresideReminiscences #EdwinSPorter #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#firesidereminiscences #edwinsporter #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film