Natürlich nicht. Von den deutschen Städten (2.055 Stück) wurden tatsächlich nur 61 Stück ausgewertet.
Die korrekte Aussage wäre also: "Bei der Auswertung einer Stichprobe von 61 deutschen Städten hatte Kiel die geringste Feinstaubbelastung".
Beim nächsten Mal klappt's bestimmt.
Weeks after it was reported that #Microsoft would stop forcing #Edge in the #EEA and allow for links to be opened with the default browser, nothing seems to have changed.
Just days ago, the @EU_Commission designated Microsoft as a gatekeeper under the #DMA to prevent them from imposing unfair conditions.
At Vivaldi, we believe in putting people in charge of their browsing experience. No corporation should force you to use their services against your will.
#TikTok users in #UK to be left with ‘more toxic’ version of app, say campaigners
Activists call on tech giant to extend a change making personalised algorithm optional to comply with rules for #EEA countries #ToryPoliciesInAction #BrexitBonus
#BrexitBonus #torypoliciesinaction #eea #uk #tiktok
EEA: rilevatore per installazioni centro finestra
Il CENTRUM CX IP e’ pensato per installazioni centro finestra e per la protezione dei varchi. Tra gli elementi che lo caratterizzano, spiccano: l’antimascheramento...
#EEA #rilevatoreinstallazionicentrofinestra
#eea #rilevatoreinstallazionicentrofinestra
Gerade mit den Kindern #RSA von Hand durchgerechnet. Ich war etwas überrascht, daß ich den #EEA noch konnte. Und die Kinder haben nun eine Idee, wie man in der Schule die Lehrer am Vorlesen der Zettel ... naja, nicht hindern kann, aber es egal werden lassen kann.
Zu schade, daß vermutlich kein weiteres Kind diese Methode können wird. Oder nerdig genug dafür sein wird. Oder Schüler nicht einfach auf WhatsApp ausweichen. Trotzdem spaßig. 🤗
Und morgen dann elliptische Kurven?🤭
#EEA: ridurre l’inquinamento ridurrebbe significativamente gli infarti e gli ictus in Europa
Rilevatori basso assorbimento Notizie, Tecnologie, Soluzioni, Approfondimenti, Formazione per i professionisti della security in Italia
#EEA #Rilevatori #Domotica
#Europa muss sich aus Sicht der EU-Umweltagentur #EEA auf klimabedingte Wetterkapriolen im Sommer vorbereiten. Der #Klimawandel sorge dafür, dass das Wetter in Europa extremer werde, betonte die in Kopenhagen ansässige Behörde bei der Vorstellung eines Webportals, das unter anderem vergangene Hitzewellen, Dürren, Überschwemmungen und Waldbrände näher unter die Lupe nimmt. Der Ausblick sei insgesamt pessimistisch.,Th7rAsh
EEA: rilevatore per spazi ampi
Per la protezione di spazi esterni piu’ ampi ed esposti alle intemperie, occorre un rilevatore che abbia le caratteristiche ambientali paragonabili...
#EEA #rilevatoreesterno #spaziampi
#eea #rilevatoreesterno #spaziampi
Norway Should Consider a National Strategy for Crypto Regulation: Norges Bank Report - The bank says lawmakers should take advantage of existing regulations that cater to syste... - #regulations #policy #crypto #norway #news #eea
#eea #news #norway #crypto #policy #regulations
Europa braucht mehr #Kreislaufwirtschaft und #Abfallvermeidung: Die Europäische Union (#EU) hat ehrgeizige Pläne, den Anteil recycelter Materialien in ihrer Wirtschaft bis 2030 zu verdoppeln, wie es im Aktionsplan zur Kreislaufwirtschaft der EU festgelegt ist. Allerdings zeigt eine heute veröffentlichte Bewertung der Europäischen Umweltagentur (#EEA), dass das Tempo des Fortschritts beschleunigt werden muss, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. @EUEnvironment
#kreislaufwirtschaft #Abfallvermeidung #eu #eea
Luftverschmutzung in Europa gefährdet besonders #Kinder: Die Europäische Umweltagentur (#EEA) veröffentlichte dieser Tage Luftqualitätsbewertungen, die aufzeigen, dass mehr unternommen werden muss, um Kinder und Jugendliche vor den negativen Auswirkungen der #Luftverschmutzung zu schützen. In Europa führt die Luftverschmutzung jedes Jahr zu über 1.200 vorzeitigen #Todesfällen bei Menschen unter 18 Jahren und erhöht das Risiko von #Krankheiten im späteren Leben erheblich.
#kinder #eea #luftverschmutzung #todesfallen #krankheiten
EEA: rilevatore per installazioni centro finestra
CENTRUM CX IP e’ pensato per installazioni centro finestra e per la protezione dei varchi. Tra gli elementi che lo caratterizzano, spiccano:...
#EEA #rilevatoreinstallazionicentrofinestra #antimascheramentoinfrarosso
#eea #rilevatoreinstallazionicentrofinestra #antimascheramentoinfrarosso
I guess Mondelez owns Toblerone now & moved some of the production outside Switzerland.
"Toblerone: Swiss rules mean chocolate bar to drop Matterhorn from packaging"
"In a statement to the BBC, Mondelez said it was moving some production outside of the country to 'respond to increased demand worldwide and to grow our Toblerone brand for the future.'"
🇨🇭 🇮🇹 #EU #aoc #aop #EEA #PDO #candy #trade #commerce #politics #chocolate #Switzerland #protectionism #globalization
#globalization #protectionism #switzerland #chocolate #politics #commerce #trade #candy #pdo #eea #AOP #aoc #eu
If the Windsor Agreement is a #Norway-style #Brexit for Northern Ireland, I wonder if Rishi Sunak's pitch to the #British people before the next General Election will be to announce the whole of the #UK being bound in WA2?
Keir Starmer snookered? #Labour
(#england #scotland #wales #northernireland #unitedkingdom #eea)
#norway #brexit #british #uk #labour #england #scotland #wales #northernireland #unitedkingdom #eea
UK critics of #Brexit (I am one); howling about UK rejoining the EU is (sadly) an own goal. It is only realistic in an N-decade sense. 1. It is contentious and so merely stokes division 2. Is increasingly difficult as divergence and changes increase 3. The EU has the UK as a brilliant deterrent example 4. The UK was not reliable before... suggestions of rejoin and reform? Use the detested (by me) 'divorce' analogy and ask WHY they'd ever say yes? So; EFTA or #EEA...Please?! (Or #Scotland, alone)
This Irish academic perspective on UK reintegration into the #EU is curious. It even goes as far as to suggest that the UK could have a vote in the #EuropeanCouncil, unlike #EEA / #EFTA states such as #Norway.
Such an arrangement would surely undermine the foundations of the European Single Market and political project. How would this special treatment for the UK be viewed in European capitals other than Dublin and Oslo?
#brexit #norway #efta #eea #europeancouncil #eu
@DystopianGirl To be constructive however, UK should join the EEA, which would be the least damaging situation outside of rejoining. #EEA
A couple of interesting articles in the latest J #EEA:
What Drives Wage Stagnation: Monopsony or Monopoly? …monopoly accounts for 75% of #wage stagnation
Job Search in the 21St Century …showcases studies analyzing online #job #search data & of intervening in the online job search process & highlights conditions under which recent interventions are likely to improve market outcomes overall, rather than only outcomes for the treated individuals.