#UnderstatementOfTheYear #EETD #TwitterIsGoingGreat
Elon Musk is 'totally out of his element' at Twitter because he doesn't 'understand social media,' a Harvard leadership expert says https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-out-of-element-twitter-harvard-expert-2023-7
#twitterisgoinggreat #eetd #understatementoftheyear
What a fucking putz. #ElonPutz #Twitter #EETD
Elon Musk Changes X Logo—And Then Changes It Back Again—As Twitter Rebrand Evolves https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/07/26/elon-musk-changes-x-logo-and-then-changes-it-back-again-as-twitter-rebrand-evolves/
Fixed it. #X #Twitter #EETD #XIsGoingGreat #ElonPutz
#elonputz #xisgoinggreat #eetd #Twitter #x
What do I love most about Elon Musk?
I love that he has devoted years of his life and billions of dollars chasing clout, when all he's done is prove that he's not very bright, is very unfunny, and has only collected the sweat from the balls of 10M Nazis.
#xthesenuts #twitterisgoinggreat #ElonMusk #elmoputz #eetd
LOL. Yes, I’m almost certain that the logo is the problem. Snooze. #EETD #TwitterIsGoingGreat #ElonMusk
#ElonMusk #twitterisgoinggreat #eetd
LOL. Twitter is a shithole. #TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD #ElonMusk #ElonPutz
Twitter is limiting number of daily direct messages for unverified users https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/twitter-limiting-number-daily-direct-messages-unverified-users-rcna95721
#elonputz #ElonMusk #eetd #twitterisgoinggreat
I wouldn’t trust Elon with YOUR dick. #EETD
Elon Musk says people can trust his new AI company more than OpenAI and Google https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-ai-company-xai-trustworthy-openai-google-2023-7?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds
Elon Musk is a deadbeat, like his daddy, Donald Trump. #TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD
Twitter Africa Workers Reportedly ‘Ghosted’ After Musk Fired Them https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/07/17/twitter-africa-workers-reportedly-ghosted-after-musk-fired-them/
#EETD #FuckElonMusk #TwitterIsGoingGreat #Threads
As Twitter continues to implode, advertisers pin their hopes on Threads https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/12/metas-threads-could-be-the-twitter-replacement-advertisers-have-been-waiting-for.html
#threads #twitterisgoinggreat #fuckelonmusk #eetd
#ElonMusk #TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD #Threads
Threads hits 100 million users, fueling doubts about Twitter https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/threads-hits-100-million-users-fueling-doubts-twitter-rcna93399
#threads #eetd #twitterisgoinggreat #ElonMusk
LOL. #TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD
There is Only One Person to Blame for Twitter’s Demise: Elon Musk. https://deanobeidallah.substack.com/p/there-is-only-one-person-to-blame
You love to see it! #FuckerCarlson #TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD #ElonMusk
Tucker Tanking On Twitter https://crooksandliars.com/2023/07/tucker-tanking-twitter
#ElonMusk #eetd #twitterisgoinggreat #fuckercarlson
The slow, sad death of Twitter 03-JUL-2023 #TwitterIsGoingGreat #Elno #ElonMusk #EETD #ApartheidIsOver #ClownPrinceElon https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/the-slow-sad-death-of-twitter/
#clownprinceelon #apartheidisover #eetd #ElonMusk #elno #twitterisgoinggreat
BREAKING: Twitter announces new subscription fee of $1B per year as Twitter users drop to 44.
#TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD #ApartheidIsOver #ClownPrinceElon #ElonMusk
#ElonMusk #clownprinceelon #apartheidisover #eetd #twitterisgoinggreat
Elon is having a day! #TwitterIsGoingGreat #Elno #ElonMusk #EETD
How Twitter lost its place as the global town square GIFT LINK 07-JUL-2023 https://wapo.st/3D3fHiT
#eetd #ElonMusk #elno #twitterisgoinggreat
Elon is the ultimate chump. #FuckElonMusk #EETD #ElnoWeWontGo
Elon Musk fired most of Twitter's staff and said their talents will be of 'great use elsewhere.' Twitter's now threatening to sue Meta, accusing the company of hiring former employees to create a 'copycat' app. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-lawsuit-meta-hiring-former-staff-elon-musk-fired-employees-2023-7
#elnowewontgo #eetd #fuckelonmusk
LOL. I hope Zuck and Elon fuck each other up for the good of humanity! #TwitterIsGoingGreat #Threads #EETD #FuckedBook
Twitter has reportedly threatened to sue Meta over Threads https://theweek.com/meta/1024834/twitter-has-reportedly-threatened-to-sue-meta-over-threads
#fuckedbook #eetd #threads #twitterisgoinggreat
More like this, please! LOL.
#TwitterIsGoingGreat #EETD #ElonMusk
Twitter was locked in a chaotic doom loop. Now it’s on the verge of collapse https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/05/twitter-elon-musk-verge-of-collapse
#ElonMusk #eetd #twitterisgoinggreat
Elon's statement in response to user complaints about rate limitations:
💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
#Twitter #ElonMusk #eetd #twitterisgoinggreat