Off the bobbins. It's actually really well balanced, much to my surprise. I always forget how much twist you can get away with when plying! 100m ish, DK weight ish. #handspun #handspinning #FiberCrafts #FibreCrafts #eewnano2
#eewnano2 #fibrecrafts #fibercrafts #handspinning #handspun
Urgh! That was hard work. Chain plying on the little Electric Eel Nano 2. Much harder than on my treadle wheel. But it's plied. I'll set the twist tomorrow and then there's probably a gnome to be made from this. #spinning #handspinning #FiberCrafts #FibreCrafts #eewnano2
#eewnano2 #fibrecrafts #fibercrafts #handspinning #spinning
Haven't done much spinning in the last week. But just finished this 50g. Now to decide how to ply it. #spinning #eewnano2 #handspinning #FiberCrafts #FiberArts #FibreCrafts #TourdeFleece
#tourdefleece #fibrecrafts #fiberarts #fibercrafts #handspinning #eewnano2 #spinning
Had one of those days yesterday and took a picture for the #Fiberuary prompts but forgot to post it. Anyhow, here's my little rainbow -y spin with my new EEW Nano 2. One of my fiber goals for last year was "rainbows" but I'm not stopping just because this year has new goals. 🌈🌈🌈
This year's goals are here, btw:
If you want to join in to the #Fiberuary fun, here's the prompts
Week 1 (February 1-7): Color
Week 2 (February 8-14): Texture
Week 3 (February 15-21): Deliberate holes
Week 4 (February 22-28): Fixes & mends
#fiberuary #colorweek #colourweek #spinning #eewnano2
Plying time!
Given how small the nano is I don't really expect to use it for plying yarn much when I've got the big wheel right there, but I wanted to try it out, so this is a chain ply of my very first fibers spun on the blue beastie. Probably a bit overspun but it was fun!
#spinning #HandSpunYarn #espinning #eewnano2
It's a tiny awful sweater! I'm going to make my dolls wear it, because they're made of plastic and have no free will. (My phone autocorrected that to "free wool". They don't have that either.) #EEWNano2 #Blythedolls
My first bit of yarn spun on my #EEWNano2. It's terrible! But I did it! Now I'm gonna knit something tiny and awful out of it.
Got a *little* bit of time to try out my new Electric Eel Wheel Nano 2 e-spinner before my kid noticed and got in my way. 🙄
I'm pretty pleased that I could set it up to spin on my lap, and I don't know how much of it is my improved spinning skill & knowledge and how much is the subtle improvements in version 2, but it was really smooth and easy to use first try!
#spinning #HandSpunYarn #espinning #eewnano2