Default extent of "continental shelf" rights to seabed resources out to 200 nautical miles line up with extent of "exclusive economic zone" (#EEZ) rights to resources in the water, but are technically separate.
Wenn ich beim Shoppen begleiten darf, entwickelt so ein Alarmkopf ungeahnte Anziehungskraft.
Wellicht een ideetje om een boot met journalisten langs te sturen? 😇
'Russisch onderzoeksschip vaart sinds week in Nederlandse zone Noordzee' | #RTLNieuws
#spionage #eez
When Fishing Boats Go Dark At Sea, They're Often Committing Crimes – [They] Mapped Where It Happens
-- <-- article
-- <-- Global Fishing Watch webpage & webmap
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #radar #fishing #illegalfishing #illegal #transponder #SAR #nightlight #goingdark #IUU #AIS #surveillance #global #commercial #fisheries #commercialfishing #EEZ #fisheries #fisheriesmanagement #management #humantrafficking #forcedlabour #forcedlabor #humanrights #humanrightsviolations #maritime #ocean #monitoring
International Maritime Organization | Global Fishing Watch
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #satellite #radar #fishing #illegalfishing #illegal #transponder #sar #nightlight #goingdark #iuu #ais #surveillance #global #commercial #fisheries #commercialfishing #eez #fisheriesmanagement #management #humantrafficking #forcedlabour #forcedlabor #HumanRights #humanrightsviolations #maritime #ocean #monitoring
Why, we'll monetize the ocean area, of course. Surely, #economists r already casting new #DICE to model economic dynamics based on past oyster prices, no?
We might start a new compensation scheme: ocean-CDR area for area-cleaned off plastic somewhere else.
Or we rent km2 from #EEZ of poor countries in the tropics. No one needs EEZ in West U.S. or East Africa, anyway, what with the #AMOCSlowdown causing permanent #LaNina and hence, permanent #drought and radical depopulation there.
#economists #dice #eez #amocslowdown #lanina #drought
One more aptal trying to convince other aptalar :) I suppose Crete would have full EEZ rights if was Turkish! Hypocrites!
According to the decisions of the International Maritime Law and the Court of Justice, the borders of the Eastern #Mediterranean...
Fair and lawful... #EEZ #eqypt #Libya #Greece #Israel #Palestine #TRNC #Cyprus
#mediterranean #eez #eqypt #libya #greece #israel #palestine #trnc #cyprus
North Korea fires suspected ICBM into the sea, lands inside Japan's exclusive economic zone.
#North_Korea #South_Korea #missiles #ICBM #US #Japan #ocean #EEZ
#north_korea #south_korea #missiles #icbm #us #japan #ocean #eez
The newly formed #Xinsha district of the PR #China is deep in the EEZ of #Vietnam, the #Nansha district is deep in the #EEZ of the Philippines.
#China has put itself in contempt of an international court with these actions. #Beijing's rulers should be treated as what they are: A territorially expansive and highly oppressive regime in contempt of international rule.
Isolate #China and stop this #expansionism as long as diplomacy can still do so. The clock is ticking. #Spratly #Paracel
#Xinsha #china #vietnam #Nansha #eez #beijing #expansionism #spratly #Paracel