Forthcoming #blueprint2023 - prediction about rise in published skepticism of Effective Altruism. well underway (subset of stories linked by Chronicle of Philanthropy)
Not-So-Effective Altruism (National Review)
If Greed Can Ever Be Good, That Philosophy Didn’t Work at FTX’s Charity (Guardian)
The Case for a Less-Effective Altruism (New York Times)
The Moral Failing of ‘Effective Altruism’ (Boston Globe)
#blueprint2023 #effectivealtrusm #chronicleofphilanthropy #philanthropy
SBF's behavior giving $$ to politicians to protect himself from regulators and yet being lauded for his "philanthropy". Really sums up the most cynical (and probably accurate) analysis of effective altruism
"give" to be "effective" at whatever scam you're running. And if the giving is primarily dark money for politics, so be it
#effectivealtrusm #sbf #ftx #philanthropy #darkmoney