@fuzztech Re:Elmo funding all these things with that money. Right. If he cared. He only cares about himself, his ego, and his mom.
I'm assuming it doesn't delete my content so I replaced the my link with f*elon.
I seriously do not know why ppl are still there, participating.
I know why I am there, because I cannot delete my media, but f*elon! I am out when I can. I look at nothing when i go in to delete; I will give that pos nothing.
Proud honda owner.
#NeverTesla #effelmo
(via Dianea at Diasp.org)
#twittermigration #effelmo #Politics #shitshow #Birdsite
@georgetakei I moved out of the bird site. I follow you now (and post) in Mastodon. #EffElmo