Mga tarantado kayo. Fuck the cops. Effigies are the sickest part of Filipino protests. Leave protest art alone.
Image search "Duterte effigy" and be amazed.
#philippines #news #acab #effigy #tootsea
629 years ago today, perhaps. According to popular legend the Wolf of Badenoch, Alexander Stewart, 1st Earl of Buchan, died at Ruthven Castle after playing chess with the Devil on 24 July 1394. He was also known as the Celtic Atilla. More pics and info:
#Scotland #TheWolfOfBadenoch #AlexanderStewart #Effigy #Knight #OnThisDay #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #onthisday #knight #effigy #alexanderstewart #thewolfofbadenoch #scotland
A magnificent effigy of a knight in the ruined Old Fordyce Church in the village of Fordyce in northern Aberdeenshire. The Findlater and Boyne Tomb, as it is known, dates back to 1510 and is the last resting place of two James Ogilvys. More pics and info:
#Scotland #OldFordyceChurch #Fordyce #Aberdeenshire #Effigy #Knight #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #knight #effigy #aberdeenshire #fordyce #oldfordycechurch #scotland
This should be interesting
weareministry BREAKING NEWS!!👽🎃🌹
#MinistryBand #WeAreMinistry #Ministry #AlJourgensen #WithSympathy #Effigy #Revenge #Synthpop
#ministryband #weareministry #ministry #aljourgensen #withsympathy #effigy #revenge #synthpop
In the churchyard of St Mary's church, East Brent, is this stone figure, seeming to rise out of the grass. English Heritage describe it as: 'Recumbent figure of a merchant. Probably early C16. Dressed stone. Life-size effigy clad in a robe, the head resting on a woolpack, face mutilated.' Why is he out here, and not buried inside the church with all the other rich folk? Or has his effigy been moved outside for reasons unknown?
#eastbrent #Somerset #churchyards #gravemarker #effigy
Today's poem:
An Arundel Tomb
- by Philip Larkin
#poetry #PhilipLarkin #tomb #effigy #memorial #CoatOfArms #hands #linked #forgotten #desuetude #love #continuing
#poetry #philiplarkin #tomb #effigy #memorial #coatofarms #hands #linked #forgotten #desuetude #love #continuing
I usually post photography, but years ago I made an #effigy for a regional #BurningMan event called #PlayaDelFuego. I stretched the usual pony theme to be a #seahorse, gathered #driftwood along the #PotomacRiver to make it, and the finished piece was 12’ tall (3.7m), 15’ (4.5m) on the wood pile. You can see friends and me (long hair, black outfit, open back) light the "pony."
This is clearer, but I'm opposite the camera:
#sculpture #BreitensteinArt
#breitensteinart #sculpture #potomacriver #driftwood #seahorse #playadelfuego #burningman #effigy
I usually post photography, but years ago I made an #effigy for a regional #BurningMan event called #PlayaDelFuego. I stretched the usual pony theme to be a #seahorse, gathered #driftwood along the #PotomacRiver to make it, and the finished piece was 12’ tall (3.7m), 15’ (4.5m) on the wood pile. You can see friends and me (long hair, black outfit, open back) light the "pony."
This is clearer, but I'm opposite the camera:
#sculpture #BreitensteinArt
#breitensteinart #sculpture #potomacriver #driftwood #seahorse #playadelfuego #burningman #effigy
I usually post photography, but years ago I made an #effigy for a regional #BurningMan event called #PlayaDelFuego. I stretched the usual pony theme to be a #seahorse, gathered #driftwood along the #PotomacRiver to make it, and the finished piece was 12’ tall (3.7m), 15’ (4.5m) on the wood pile. You can see friends and me (long hair, black outfit, open back) light the "pony."
This is clearer, but I'm opposite the camera:
#sculpture #BreitensteinArt
#breitensteinart #sculpture #potomacriver #driftwood #seahorse #playadelfuego #burningman #effigy
Woke up with this Ministry track jangling through my head, imagining an alternate universe where they stuck with the weirdo dancepop thing.
(I heard Thieves first, and whoof was my young brain ever whiplashed when I found With Sympathy in a discount music store and eagerly popped the cassette into my car stereo)
#effigy #Ministry #notthegodbotheringkind
This Day in Alaska History-February 17th, 1914
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#Alaska #Cordova #effigy #history #hung #letter #railroad #senators #territorial #vote
#alaska #cordova #effigy #history #hung #letter #railroad #senators #territorial #vote
Sweden and Turkey give mixed messages over NATO bid
#Sweden #NATO #Turkey #Kurds #Stockholm #effigy #RecepTayipErdogan
#RecepTayipErdogan #effigy #stockholm #kurds #Turkey #nato #sweden
... and Gentlemen" 2/3
#effigy #StMarysPriory #Abergavenny
#graveyard_dead #live_historia
#grave_affair #project_necropolis #fiftyshades_of_history #tv_retro #r_a_d #vivo_artesacra #ars_sacra #visitwales #lovewales
#lovewales #visitwales #ars_sacra #vivo_artesacra #r_a_d #tv_retro #fiftyshades_of_history #project_necropolis #grave_affair #live_historia #graveyard_dead #abergavenny #stmaryspriory #effigy