Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
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[App. running time: 13 hrs. 43 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #GameChangerWrestling (#GCW))
#GameChangerWrestling (#GCW) presents #Effy's Big Gay Brunch 6 (#EffyGayLA | #TheCollective) on #FITETV #LongLiveGCW (now available via FITE+ subscription):
(1 of 4)
#longlivegcw #fitetv #thecollective #effygayla #effy #gcw #gamechangerwrestling
West Coast, Best Coast! Thanks for locking it down, team west! Next is Max The Impaler vs Vipress #EffyGayLA
Mania weekend means tons of indie promotions converge on wherever the event is taking place. This year it’s LA while next it’s in Philly. This is GCW’s Big Gay Brunch. I don’t know these wrestlers but I know this Big Gay Brunch event has happened in the past. #EffyGayLA
Top-tier commentary team on this show, @valcapone and @itsvedatime. They have done their homework and really bring a lot to these matches #EFFYGAYLA
If you love #EFFYGAYLA you’ll love Hoodslam, which is ALMOST this gay all the time. Next show 4/8 in Oakland
AC Mack with a heck of a win to start off Effy’s Big Gay Brunch, the independent all-LGBTQ+ Wrestlemania weekend event #EffyGayLA