#Introduction for #amateurradio and #hamradio .
I'm a Technician into #aprs, #cw and #emcomm on #hf .
My equipment is Kenwood TH20A 2M in my car with magmount and #xiegu #g90 with #efhf on #battery #solar #power (the emcomm bit). I also have a 1W tracker in my #aircraft .
The furthest I made SSB contacts from #california is #mississippi. On #js8 #js8call I easily make contacts into eastern seaboard.
My current project is learning #cw , setting up a permanent #antenna and getting my #general.
#introduction #amateurradio #hamradio #aprs #cw #emcomm #hf #Xiegu #g90 #efhf #battery #solar #power #aircraft #california #mississippi #js8 #js8call #antenna #general