I just discovered the manifesto of the E Foundation (the organization behind the Android alternative /e/OS).
Sounds really good: https://e.foundation/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/e-manifesto.pdf
What do you think?
#eFoundation #eOs #murena #android #ethics #manifesto #fairphone5
#efoundation #eos #Murena #android #ethics #manifesto #fairphone5
Hey Fediverse users! 👋
Check out @e_mydata!
/e/OS is a "deGoogled" version of the Android OS, focused on privacy and data control, with its own apps and services. Developed by "e Foundation."
Install /e/OS: https://e.foundation/get-started/
#FOSS #Android #Privacy #Security #eos #OpenSource #OSS #FLOSS #efoundation #Degoogled #Murena
#Murena #Degoogled #efoundation #FLOSS #oss #OpenSource #eos #Security #Privacy #Android #FOSS
Shortly after bringing the Fairphone 4 to North America (with the de-Googled /e/OS software), the E Foundation has announced that it's also selling a refurbished Pixel 5 with /e/OS in the US and Canada. https://e.foundation/leaving-apple-discover-how-e-os-works-on-murena-fairphone-4-they-tested-the-murena-fairphone-4-watch-the-replay-of-the-public-spaces-co/
#Murena #eos #efoundation #DeGoogledAndroid #Pixel5
I have a friend that runs a banking app on /e OS using #Magisk so there is a good chance to get it working. In the #efoundation forum is a thread in this which should probably work for #LineageOS too https://community.e.foundation/t/howto-installing-banking-apps/5875 This is a topic I want to learn more about by putting it into practice. At our Dutch #FSFE local group the issue of #BankingApps is a recurring topic https://wiki.fsfe.org/Events/Netherlands/2023-05-24
#bankingapps #fsfe #lineageos #efoundation #magisk
@topio note this bug with Ubuntu Touch on the FP2 (that /e/os managed to fix with a patch by Fairphone because it is originally a Fairphone bug) https://forums.ubports.com/topic/9092/fp2-reboots-itself-when-trying-to-power-it-off #fairphone #Ubports #FP2 #efoundation #murena
#fairphone #ubports #fp2 #efoundation #murena
Today I ordered a new-open-box Motorola One 5G Ace #smartphone for $214 USD. I plan to install /e/OS on it. Assuming it works well with my carrier and runs all the apps I need, I intend to use it as my daily driver for as long as it receives OS updates.
I've tried numerous times to get away from the #Apple and #Google smartphone duopoly. I hope this time I can make it work.
#smartphone #apple #google #efoundation #murena #eos #freesoftware #foss #smartphones
@rexpotam https://www.rtl.fr/actu/politique/loi-justice-l-activation-a-distance-des-cameras-ou-micros-de-telephones-validee-par-le-senat-7900272299 what consequences will it have for #freesoftware #operatingsystems such as #linux #bsd #android #efoundation ?
#freesoftware #operatingsystems #linux #bsd #android #efoundation
Des utilisateurs de #Librecamera par ici ? Impossible de prendre des photos en format paysage, gros bug. Des idées ? J'ai la dernière version sous #murena #eos #efoundation .
#librecamera #murena #eos #efoundation
#Murena della #efoundation ? Come ti trovi? Usi anche #eos?
Dass öffentliche Menschen wie Abgeordnete den Draht zu ihrem Publikum nicht verlieren wollen, ist verständlich. Auch wenn es nur das Privatgerät ist, sollte Vorsicht walten.
Empfehlung: Ein #Fairphone mit einem vorinstallierten entgoogelten #Android von der fleißigen #eFoundation , dazu eine eigene #Nextcloud-Instanz für die Datensicherung per Sync. Und abschließend einige Tipps des #Kuketz-Blogs berücksichtigen. Datenabfluss ade.
Link: https://e.foundation
#fairphone #android #efoundation #nextcloud #kuketz
@e #efoundation #fairphobe #FP3 #FP3Plus the /e/OS Rom for Android12 Seems Tod have reached "stable" state :)
#efoundation #fairphobe #fp3 #fp3plus
Buongiorno. Volendo provare NextCloud in hosting, grazie all'articolo di @lealternative , linkato in calce, ho deciso di optare per la soluzione di #eFoundation, già eCloud e ora Murena Cloud. Dopo la sottoscrizione di un piano di Murena Cloud, è necessario, come secondo passaggio, attivare #NextCloud oppure quest'ultimo è già compreso in Murena Cloud e dunque la sottoscrizione di un piano Murena comporta automaticamente l'attivazione di Next? Grazie.
Direkt nach der Installation ist /e/OS nicht nur aufgrund unerträglicher Bloatware absolut unbenutzbar! Auch der idiotische Bliss-Launcher ist ein Nogo! Welche Launcher machen denn die Privacy-Bemühungen der #efoundation nicht gleich wieder zunichte? Bisher hab ich immer den Nova-Launcher benutzt. Ist der privacytauglich? Oder was nehm ich stattdessen?
Vorausgesetzt, ich bekomme DavX5 zum laufen, denn /e/OS blockiert das. Die efoundation ist geiler auf deine Daten als Google und Apple zusammen!
#swile la carte qui va vous donner le swile 🤔 Pas sûr. Surtout si tu ne veux plus utiliser les services Google, que tu utilises #efoundation ou que tu dois te soumettre a un contrôle d'identité via une IA (compatible rgpd) rachetée par un gros groupe américain (checkout)... Ah la la...
Nach dem neuesten update von #eOS funktioniert #bitwarden nicht mehr richtig und auch mein VPN stürzt ständig ab.
Ich hoffe sie fixen das so schnell wie möglich, ist sehr nervig, da ich das VPN permanent nutze. Auch Bitwarden kommt täglich mehrfach zum Einsatz.
#efoundation #murenaos #Murena #bitwarden #eos
Je viens d'installer l'OS /e/ ou #murena sur un #Samsung S9+
Ça a l'air de bien tourner !
#efoundation #android #dégooglisation
#murena #samsung #efoundation #android #degooglisation
The other side (#google) allows #freeasinfreedom software and to really control the device #reflashing the operative system with #lineageos #efoundation #ubuntutouch and so on.
I suggest #efoundation with #fairphone
#google #freeasinfreedom #reflashing #lineageos #efoundation #ubuntutouch #fairphone