@kubikpixel Das Problem ist nicht dass #Snowden in #Russland abgetaucht ist, sondern dass die gesamte #EU & #EFTA - insbesondere die #Schweiz und #Deutschland - vor dem #Cyberfaschismus und Hegemonialansprüchen der #USA eingeknickt sind.
#Putin hat Snowden auch nur als #Mittelfinger gegen die USA nicht ausgeliefert...
#mittelfinger #Putin #USA #cyberfaschismus #Deutschland #Schweiz #efta #EU #russland #Snowden
@Kaetchi @spiegel AufenthaltsG z.B.
Wer nicht aus #EU / #EFTA, #USA, #Südkorea, #Japan, #Kanada, #UK kommt ist schonmal generell #visumspflichtig lt. @AuswaertigesAmt.
(Quelle: https://visa.diplo.de )
Und diejenigen die trotzdem remote rekrutiert & lokal eingestellt werden und mit Einladung der Arbeitgeber einreisen dürfen haben permanent das #BAMF an deren Hintern kleben dass diese jährlich (!!!) Nachweis des Jobs verlangt und bei Jobverlust Deportation droht.
#bamf #visumspflichtig #UK #kanada #Japan #sudkorea #USA #efta #EU
@lori that's - sadly - the truth.
Fortunately U.S. citizens at least aren't hindered by their passport most of the time, as unlike the other way around they can enter on a tourist visa and change status post-entry within most of the #EU & #EFTA.
OFC that doesn't change the fact that one still needs money to travel and stuff, but it's not like people fleeing vertain places needing forkflights and shit...
"The four countries of the European Free Trade Area are entering the new Singapore-led digital trade agreement bandwagon," writes our editor Iana Dreyer
More on this here:
@tomlowenthal @Tarah I guess you're also open for candidates from the #EU / #EFTA?
@arthurstramash Looking at #Norway #EFTA is like begin in #EU but without the voting power. We will keep our door open for you, if you want to have a voice about EU regulations.
This Irish academic perspective on UK reintegration into the #EU is curious. It even goes as far as to suggest that the UK could have a vote in the #EuropeanCouncil, unlike #EEA / #EFTA states such as #Norway.
Such an arrangement would surely undermine the foundations of the European Single Market and political project. How would this special treatment for the UK be viewed in European capitals other than Dublin and Oslo?
#brexit #norway #efta #eea #europeancouncil #eu
@dwnews_bot the problem is that the #Netherlands didn't #decriminalize all #drugs and espechally the remaining #EU & #EFTA sticks to bs. #prohibitions - regardless if drugs or guns.
Cuz #OrganizedCrime gets destroyed if #defunded - and that works best if the overhead of illegal operations isn't profitable due to #legal competition.
That's why you don't find any "underground breweries" in Germany: Cuz beer is legal and cheap.
#legal #defunded #organizedcrime #prohibitions #efta #EU #drugs #decriminalize #Netherlands
The amazing interconnected nature of Europe. The strength of working in cooperation.
Except for the UK
#EU #EFTA #EEA #BrexitReality
Boye avisa que l'advocat general contradiu el TJUE i nega els drets fonamentals individuals
L'advocat de Puigdemont alerta que l'informe de l'advocat general representa un retrocés important en drets i llibertats
L’advocat del TJUE fa costat a Llarena i critica la decisió de Bèlgica de no extradir Lluís Puig
Diu que la justícia belga no podia qüestionar que fos el jutge competent · La decisió no és vinculant per al tribunal, però sí molt rellevant #ThisisTheRealEurope #EFTA
El TGUE avala el rebuig a la proposta de sancionar Espanya per vulnerar drets
Última hora : La justícia europea s’alia amb el Supremo i rebutja el recurs de Junqueras sobre el seu escó a l’Eurocambra
La justícia europea convoca l’ANC i el Consell per la República en una causa contra Espanya.
La CE va declarar inadmissible la petició que exigia de sancionar l'estat espanyol per "vulneració dels drets polítics i civils"
Daly esclata en català a l'Eurocambra: "Algú no vol sentir parlar de Catalunya"
#ThisIsTheRealEurope #SpainIsAFascistState #AixequeuLaDUI
#thisistherealeurope #spainisafasciststate #AixequeuLaDUI #efta