CoVid is Back With Two Novel Subvariants: All we know so far about EG.5, EG.5.1, FL.1.5.1, and the latest, BA.2.86. Get vaxxed, boosted and avoid a/another case of CoVid. #CoVid #eris #eg5 #eg51 #fornax #fl151 #xbb15 #omicron #VaccineSideEffects
#COVID #eris #eg5 #eg51 #fornax #fl151 #xbb15 #Omicron #vaccinesideeffects
''Data from July 31 to August 06, a rise in the incidence of several #VOIs has been observed, especially those belonging to #EG5 (a subvariant of #XBB192 with the additional Spike mutation: F456L), #XBB116 and #XBB1166 (with Spike mutation F456L). In particular, among sequenced viruses, #EG5 represented 32,4% (#EG51, 18,9%; #EG511,
13,5%); #XBB116 (18,9%) and XBB.1.16.6, 16,2%.''
#vois #eg5 #xbb192 #xbb116 #xbb1166 #eg51 #eg511
Bitte überlegt Euch ob Ihr in öffentlich zugänglichen geschlossenen Räumen nicht doch wieder Maske tragen wollt.
Das ist kein Scherz.
Das ist ernst.
PS: Rein anekdotisch nehmen die Infektionen in meinem Umfeld gefühlt wieder zu...
#eg51 #eris #barbenheimer #neuevariante #coronaisntover
Ein Update in meinem Blog #AllCoronavirusesAreBastards nach meinem Urlaub.
▪️ Der Beginn der neuen #COVID19 Welle
▪️ Die Varianten #EG51 und #FLip
▪️ Ende der #LongCovid Ambulanz der #MedUniWien
▪️ Was geschah mit dem Querdenker Reiner #Fuellmich?
#allcoronavirusesarebastards #COVID19 #eg51 #flip #LongCovid #meduniwien #Fuellmich
New coronavirus variant EG.5 gains momentum in Japan.
🔹EG.5 nearly doubled in July to account for 22% of cases in the capital.
🔹EG.5.1 will account for 46% of all cases in Japan in the week through to Sunday.
#COVID19 #japan #eris #eg5 #eg51
Wie schlimm wird die Herbstwelle? #covid19at #durchseuchung #xbb #eris #eg51 #longcovid #mecfs #omicron
(Spoiler: wir wissen es nicht, daher: Mask up!)
#covid19at #Durchseuchung #xbb #eris #eg51 #LongCovid #mecfs #omicron
The WHO is currently monitoring Eris’ spread but was hindered by a drop off in genomic sequencing and sharing of information between countries.
Professor Raina MacIntyre from the Kirby Institute at the University of NSW reminded Australians that even mild strains of the disease can do long-term damage.
“In the past month, only 25% of countries and territories have reported COVID-19 deaths to WHO and only 11% have reported hospitalisations and ICU admissions,” Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said on Wednesday.
WHO declares ‘Eris’ Covid strain a variant of interest as cases rise globally.
#COVID19 @WHO #Eris #EG5 #EG51 @auscovid19
With the new COVID Variant - Eris - on the rise, New York has recorded a 55 percent surge in the number of COVID cases reported. As the Eris or EG.5.1 variant becomes more common, the number of hospitalisations have also increased.
New strain fuels COVID-19 case surge.
A new variant of COVID-19 dubbed Eris (EG.5.1) is spreading in nations as distant as India, the UK and US and in some areas has led to a 100% surge in cases.
The World Health Organsiation (WHO) began monitoring the EG.5.1. variant, derived from Omicron, on July 19.
#COVID19 #eris #eg51 #auscovid19
🍵 Updates for 8/7/2023!
Nationally, EG.5.1 solidly in 2nd place behind XBB.1.16.:
In PA, mostly XBB.1.16 and a mix of variants after that.:
In NY/NJ, FL.1.5.1 and EG.5.1 solidly right behind XBB.1.16.:
#SARS2PA #covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver
#Pennsylvania #Health #CDC #Vaccines #Booster! #XBB15
#Vaccinessavelives #Vaccineswork
#sars2pa #covid #COVID19 #covidisnotover #pennsylvania #health #cdc #vaccines #booster #xbb15 #VaccinesSaveLives #vaccineswork #eg51 #flipvariants
Im neuesten Blogartikel berichtet @erictopol über die sich aufbauende neue #COVID19 Welle, die in erster Linie von der Subvariante EG.5.1 ausgeht. Dahinter folgt schon eine #FLip genannte Mutationskombi, die sowohl eine noch stärkere Bindung an den ACE2-Rezeptor als auch eine noch größere Immunflucht mit sich bringt.
Der upgedatete #Booster wäre umso wichtiger. Aber zumindest in den USA scheint sich der bis Oktober zu verzögern.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) sounds alarm as Covid-19 new variant ‘Eris’ cases rise sharply in UK.
#COVID19UK @WHO #Eris #EG51 @DrTedros @auscovid19
A new COVID variant known as EG.5.1 is spreading across the UK, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) - and already makes up 1 in 7 new cases.