Mike Honey · @mike_honey_
2455 followers · 1735 posts · Server aus.social

Here's the latest variant picture for new lineage EG.5 and it's descendants in Australia.

EG is an alias for XBB., from the "Hyperion" clan. Along with several prior generations of mutations, EG.5 added the Spike F456L mutation,.

EG.5 was the first lineage mentioned last month's edition of the Neher Lab's variant report:

Here's the frequency of EG.5 in the Australian states recently. There are only a few scattered samples up to early June, so perhaps this parent lineage has died out.

No nickname has been considered for this lineage yet, but FWIW I'm thinking of EG.5 as "Egg".


#COVID19 #eg_5 #eg_5_1 #eg_5_2

Last updated 1 year ago