RT @ProjetISSA
Présentation du #ProjetISSA #CollExPersée à #EGC2023 par Andon Tchechmedjiev @theainur. L'article en accès libre : https://editions-rnti.fr/?inprocid=1002857 @Cirad @BNUStrasbourg @IMTMinesAles @Laboratoire_I3S @COLLEX_IR @associationEGC @CoopIST_Cirad
#projetissa #collexpersee #egc2023
Here are the slides of my keynote presentation "Symbolic and Subsymbolic AI - An Epic Dilemma?", at the Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2023) conference in Lyon.
#ai #llm #foundationmodels #deeplearning #hybridai #knowledgegraphs #semanticweb #deeplearning #egc2023
#ai #llm #foundationmodels #deeplearning #HybridAI #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #egc2023
Very happy to introduce Luna Dong as a keynote speaker at #EGC2023 @associationEGC@twitter.com to talk about development of Knowledge Graphs in her rich career @GoogleAI@twitter.com (Knowledge Vault), @amazon@twitter.com (Product KG) and now @MetaAI@twitter.com (Personal KG)
Lecturing this morning at #EGC2023 organized by @associationEGC@twitter.com on why and how hybridizing #LLM and #KG, https://egc2023.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/20. Include #ChatGPT examples but mostly motivate the need for symbolic knowledge reasoning augmented with prompted engineering