Мне очень понравилась фотоистория (или репортаж) Энн Ван про то, как тайбэйка Вивиан Тун заморозила свою яйцеклетку: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/taiwan-fertility/ #AnnWang #contemporaryphotography #report #photostory #urbanportrait #portrait #hospitals #eggfreezing #Taipei #2020s
#annwang #contemporaryphotography #report #photostory #urbanportrait #portrait #hospitals #eggfreezing #taipei #2020s
At close to forty years old, WannaBeAMama writes to Ask Alina for advice on becoming a mother and single parenthood after choosing to freeze eggs six years ago.
#AskAlina #children #marriage #pregnancy #motherhood #parenthood #EggFreezing #relationships
#askalina #children #marriage #pregnancy #motherhood #parenthood #eggfreezing #relationships
Egg Freezing Beats IVF For Women Postponing Motherhood: Best Of: June, 2022
Women freezing eggs in their 20s-30s are more than twice as likely to later become pregnant when compared with women who use IVF techniques.#pregnancy #ivf #eggfreezing
Frozen eggs, what's the buzz?
Pros and cons must be weighed
Choose wisely for you.
#fertility #eggfreezing #healthcare #haiku #poetry
#fertility #healthcare #eggfreezing #poetry #haiku
"Before we decide what is or is not medically sound, we must demand answers to the most obvious of questions: Why this, why now?"
— an essay on #eggfreezing