Églantine ou muguet ? La bataille du 1er mai
#1ermai #muguet #eglantine
During the #FrenchRevolution, the #French #Poet & #Politician Fabre d'#Églantine created the new French Republican #Calendar.
He renamed the #Months to reflect #Nature & #Celebrate #Agriculture.
The Autumn months were #Vendémiaire (Grape Harvest), #Brumaire (Mist), & #Frimaire (Frost) - from Nov 21 to Dec 20.
In the #Spring of 1794, Fabre 'Eglantine & 14 others were #Gguillotined in #Paris. #France kept w/ the new calendar until #Napolean reverted to the old system in 1805.
#frenchrevolution #French #poet #politician #eglantine #calendar #months #nature #celebrate #agriculture #spring #gguillotined #paris #france #napolean #history #garden #vendemiaire #brumaire #frimaire