The #Michigan Department of #Environment, Great Lakes, and #Energy is encouraging local governments to sign up for free technical assistance to bring #solarpower to their communities. SolSmart is a no-cost program to help local governments by training staff, offering guidance on #solar permits, and technical advice. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
#solarenergy #egle #news #solar #solarpower #energy #environment #michigan
"'We were not given a heads up on this reported action. Our priority is to always keep the people we represent safe,' U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell said. "We are making inquiries of EPA, DOT, Norfolk Southern, U.S. Ecology, the state of Ohio, and all others involved to understand what is being shipped, whether these are approved storage facilities, the implications of this decision, and how we ensure the safety of all Michigan residents.'
"Wayne County Executive Warren Evans said he and other officials should've been consulted before the delivery of toxic waste to Michigan."
#ohioderailment #norfolksouthern #fossilfuels #environment #michigan #egle #mipol #pollution #epa #transportation
The #Michigan Dept of #Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy is proposing new limits on air emissions of five #chemicals. There are more than 80,000 chemicals used by business & industry. Fewer than 1,300 have been screened for toxicity by the U.S. #EPA or #EGLE. So, the regulators have to prioritize what the screen. The public has a chance to review the documents & findings of the last proposed air emissions limits & then comment up until Dec 15th.
#news #airpollution
#airpollution #news #egle #epa #chemicals #environment #michigan